Walking around in Covilha, Portugal - Part 1

My family and I recently went on holiday to Serra de Estrela, the highest point in Portugal. If you follow a (very) winding road down from the summit you come to the city of Covilha, at the base of the mountain.

We decided to talk a stroll through the city to see a bit before returning to our hotel. I was quite snap happy as I love old cities and all their hidden treasures.

One of the images I find most interesting, this stairway was actually behind an old iron gate, and I held my phone right up close to it to get the shot through. The Portuguese seem to love tiles, and the decay on this building ads a lot of character.

Coming from South Africa, buildings with such an odd shape are rare, cobble stone roads even more so, makes me think of a time where the design of the building came out in the concrete, vs all the glass we see on modern buildings.

Poor tree must have been quite cold to get its jersey ;)

I have seen a few buildings with these large murals painted on, have no idea what the back story is. Is quite a sight though.

Don't think this photo quite catches the sheer height of this wall, with a building perched on top, I am quite surprised to see how they built on a cliff.

All for now, next post will have stairways and a panorama!

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