4 Places You MUST GO in Cambodia (Siem Reap) – Shirlam the Traveller 四個柬埔寨 (暹粒)必去的地方!

My Steemit friends, I'm more than happy to share with you my trip to Cambodia, a country full of amazing landscape and captivating myths and 4 MUST-GO places there!   

Without further ado, let’s begin!   

大家好,今天要為大家說說── 柬埔寨和四個必去的地點。 事不宜遲,馬上開始柬埔寨之旅!   

1. The Angkor Wat 吳哥窟

During the days, we have visited the Angkor Wat, which is the ultimately "must-go" place in Cambodia. (It is also on my bucket list!) The entrance fee was around USD40 for a seven-day pass at that time but I heard that it is getting more expensive nowadays.   

吳哥窟被列為世界八大奇蹟之一,怎能不去呢? (小提示︰進入吳哥窟需要買票,買一張票就可以連續幾天進場。我去年去的時候一張七天的門票只要美金40元,可聽說最近漲價了……)   

We are entering the Angkor Wat! 


Some delicate and meticulous wall sculptures each with a story behind 


There are grand temples built by rocks everywhere. They are mostly used for worshipping and celebration.  


2. The Khmer Smile (The Angkor Thom)
高棉的微笑 (大吳哥) 

“Khmer smile” is the symbol of the Angkor Thom. Most said it is the face of Jyavarman VII, the greatest king of the Khmer Empire. He built a lot of infrastructure within the city of Angkor in the old days and had huge contribution.  

高棉的微笑是大吳哥的象徵,很多人都說上面的人面是仿照當年高棉 君王闍耶跋摩二世的樣子,他是為吳哥王朝作過最多貢獻的國王,也是他主張建立這個印度佛教寺廟建築。據說吳哥窟曾被叢林淹沒數百年,直到有探險家意外發現,這個壯觀的寺廟建築才被公諸於世。 

Looking from every side of the sculpture, the smile is just as serene as the face of the Buddha. 


3. The Tonle Sap Lake 洞里薩湖 


Warning: do not underestimate this lake. It once contained the richest ecosystem, which supported the development of the country.  


There is a floating village and people build houses on the lake and trade on the water. The travel by small boats with little engines. It is interesting to see people there travel on water and visit the others like what we normally do on land.  


However, during my travel, it was the dry season and I did not have much chance to experience the greatness of the Lake – such a pity! Since the water level is relatively low, the boat sometimes got stranded and could not move forward even with the engine  


4. Pub Street 

The pub street is just like the Ladies Market in Hong Kong: cheap clothes, restaurants everywhere and funny shops. There are also bars and pubs where you can relax for the night. 
酒吧街是暹粒晚上最熱鬧的地方,裡面有很多酒吧,燈紅酒緑,也有專賣紀念品的地方。 如果說吳哥窟是遠離煩囂的樂土,酒吧街就是摩肩擦踵的煩囂,一日一夜、一靜一動,強烈的對比成了柬埔寨的一大特色!   

Little fact about Siem Reap 關於暹粒的小知識 


Cambodia is a country surrounded by Thailand, Vietnam and Laos. The place I visited is the capital of Cambodia - Siem Reap. This name has its meanings:  


 Siem = Thailand (previous known as Siam)   ; Reap = Defeat   

暹 = 泰國; 粒 = 打敗   
Since Cambodia was once defeated by Thailand in the 16th century, the king at that time granted it this special name.    


If you want to know more about a specific place or thing in Cambodia, feel free to comment below and let me know! 


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