City Novorossiysk

Novorossiysk is a large port city of Russia, which is located in the south-western part of the Krasnodar Territory, in Tsemesskaya Bay.


It is believed that the first people settled in the vicinity of Novorossiysk in the Paleolithic era. In the V century. BC. E. On the site of modern Novorossiysk appeared Bata - a commercial city, presumably founded by Indo-European Sindo-Meotian tribes.

In the XIII century Tsemesskaya bay belonged to the Golden Horde, and at the mouth of the Tsemes river the Genoese built the fortress of Batario. But after the Tsemesskaya bay, it passed into Turkish possessions. And only in September 1838 the ships of the Russian squadron entered the Tsemess bay, 5,816 people under the command of Raevsky and Lazarev landed on the ruins of the Turkish fortress, so this day is now celebrated as the date of the founding of the city.

The port of Novorossiysk is the largest on the entire Black Sea. Cargo ports, passenger, as well as oil loading harbor were concentrated here.


Walking along the embankment of Admiral Serebryakov, you are sure to meet here such a sweet sculpture, the official name of this original composition "Girl on a dolphin", but this name has not become popular among the people.


The local people and visitors of the city had a belief that if they rub their back on the dolphin, the next year promises to be happy. Here you can meet fishermen, who should already have caught abrau tulk, that little fish from my tip. But, and the plant from the collage - amorphous shrub, grows in the vicinity of Novorossiysk on Mount Koldun.

And also be able to be photographed against the background of the symbol of Novorossiysk, the museum cruiser Mikhail Kutuzov. In 1964, this ship was the first of the ships of the Black Sea Fleet to enter the fighting service in the Mediterranean Sea.


In Novorossiysk there are wonderful parks, with amazing plants, you can take a walk in the Tsemes grove, admire the magnificent vitex, or the Abraham tree, laurel, see the light-musical fountain.


And this fountain, called "Giving water", is a visiting card of Novorossiysk.

Come to Novorossiysk, there are many museums, historical monuments, nature reserves, and, of course, the sea, you can relax and enjoy the charm of nature, catch delicious tulips, participate in the bike festival "Liman 2017" ...

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