Largest seaport of Italy is the city of Genoa

The name of Genoa is associated with the Two-faced Janus, which Italians claim reflects the dual nature of the city: on one side Genoa looks at the sea, and on the other it is surrounded by overhanging mountains.

This amazing city with a glorious history, fascinating legends and interesting sights. However, there was very little time, and it was not possible to see everything, so we decided to make a two-hour bus tour around the city.

The people on the bus were few, so the pictures were clear. Genoa is surrounded by numerous historical buildings and monuments. I really liked the neo-classical theater Carlo Felice, and the Ligurian Academy of Fine Arts, you could spend all day here, but time limited us. We also wanted to look for a house in which the great seafarer Christopher Columbus was born.

I remember the Ferrari Square, beautiful and very popular in Genoa. In the center of the square is an amazing fountain, and nearby it was possible to find a monument to Giuseppe Garibaldi, and the palace of Duke Galliera.

Walking through the streets of the city, I advise you to go to the cafe you like and try a Genoese cake called focaccio. Basically it is sweet, but also served with various sauces, vegetables or simply with aromatic Italian herbs.

The port was found a copy of the Spanish galleon of the XVII century, which was built in 1985 for the filming of the film Polanski "Pirates." And now the ship is used as a "tourist lure", you can even climb aboard and wander around the deck, watch guns and much more.


The names of some streets of Genoa tell you about their past, I remember the street of jewelers (via degli Orifici), and a small book lane (vico dei Librai).

Everyone wanted to find a cicada lane or a lane of eloquence, but without the knowledge of the language it was difficult, but accidentally stumbled upon a lane of perfect love (vico dell'Amor Perfetto)...

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