Mountains of the Caucasus in summer

Here, pure mountain air, pristine nature, relaxing silence, sometimes interrupted by bird calls with such an unusual fang, and unique mountain peaks.

The nature here is amazing. You can come for a whole day and relax from the city bustle, climb on rocks, swim in the river, catch delicious trout, which in the mountain rivers will never be transferred.

And what kind of grass grows here, a real herbal pharmacy, all fragrant, environmentally friendly, I do not want to collect ...

If you need an adrenaline rush, at your service are swift mountain rivers with numerous rapids. Sensations are inexpressible. You will see a lot of amazing, memorable and extreme.

And Afsati himself will be watching over your movements - the patron of everything living in this beautiful corner of the North Caucasus. Afsati, being the patron of wild animals, especially loved to protect deer and wild boar. He is often portrayed as a one-eyed old man with a white beard sitting on the high Adai-Khokh mountain, I already told about it earlier ...

That's how amazing everything in our world is. Winter and summer met in one frame. Such majestic and formidable eternal glaciers, and just a few steps away from them just appeared on white light, such bright and delicate florets.

And what are unusual insects in the mountains, they are completely different from the city. And the coloring is quite different, and the size is bigger, but as a buzz, well, just some kind of jazz ensemble.

And the air and water elements punching their way, form such amazing crevices in the rocks ...

And here I caught my first tiny trout. Although there were fishermen who caught and 2 kilogram beauty. I hope the fishermen understand me. After all, there is a significant difference between fishing in a lake or a quiet pond, and fishing in such a river that a yawner will easily leave not only without a fishing rod, and even the fisherman can carry to its abyss.

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