Pearl of the Adriatic - sunny Venice

In summer there is such a heat and so crowded that it seems that the whole world has gathered in this place, and is baking in the sun. It's better to come in spring, when it's not too hot. Most of the "city on the water" is located on the islands in the Venetian lagoon, so we decided to get acquainted with Venice not from the land.

I like to watch the vaporetto (as here are called water trams) scurrying through the numerous canals of Venice. I like to see colorful gondolas, various boats and liners, numerous boats with tourists who came here from different corners of our vast planet.

But to begin acquaintance with Venice guides recommend from St. Mark's Square. I liked the clock tower of St. Mark's Cathedral on it, and it's called Campanila. But on land near it there were so many people that I could not squeeze through the crowd ...

But how good it was to see the sights of Venice from the gondola. Sensations are completely different, and even the gondolier delight your hearing with wonderful Italian songs.

The local rulers arranged a residence for themselves, a little later the senate sessions were held there, but from its balconies, which tourists are walking today, the once-powerful doji performed speeches.

We already swam closer. Well, you see, the beauty is extraordinary! And some water, I really wanted to jump into it and swim in the real Adriatic Sea, and forget about everything. Yes, no one supported me, unfortunately ...

Then we decided to explore numerous channels, but here it was not so comfortable, I was very sensitive to smells, but tried to think only of the good, and enjoy the picturesque places. After a fascinating water trip, we still returned to earth, and saw this picture.

And this is our last means of transportation, the gondola did not have time to take a picture, when we were landed on the shore, the gondolier sailed swiftly for the new passengers. They are not bored here, wanting to ride - the sea!

Will be in Venice, do not forget to turn on the navigator, otherwise it's not tricky and lost. There are so many bridges, bridges and water everywhere, practically I did not see the streets.

Look at the small video about Venice:

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