Barely alive in India, send strength...

Hey again, Steemitizens,

Just a quick note to let you all know I am still alive, especially to the dozens of you who have to private message me every day, which I appreciate, but with so many of you who choose to communicate one on one instead of in the public discord channels I just cannot keep up. Especially on the shifty thing that India pretends to call the "internet" here.

I wake up most days to 20-40 people who private message me just to say hello. I appreciate you thinking of me, I really do, but its gotten out of control with so many of you. I guess each one thinks they may be the only one messaging me, and I do love you all, so I feel I must answer each person, sometimes that turns into hours of chat, and I have a hard time managing all that. I'm sorry if you feel I am not responsive enough, but consider that there are as many as 50 of you all just wanting to say hello.... Perhaps we can all say hello just ONCE in a public channel and cover many people at once that way in far less of my very carefully budgeted time? I would truly appreciate that.

So I continue to visit India, with Hong Kong and Macau remaining on my trip this weekend. I have lots of stories to tell from the first weekend in The Netherlands and in Abu Dhabi UAE, but the internet here has been tough to work with, and my laptop keeps blowing the guest house power breakers. The stories will have to wait. I am risking this post now and hopefully can finish before I kill the electricity again.

Mostly I want you to know I have been very very sick for two days. Something I ate nearly killed me.

I am feeling a bit better today, which is good, because the wedding I came here to be a part of is tonight.

I am exhausted, feeling week and unable to sleep or eat properly, so the trip has taken a bit of a dive. With any luck, it will pass before my next flight at the end of the week.

Wish me luck and send energy or prayers or whatever you can for my health to recover quickly, because being sick in a country where they don't speak your language and their stores don't have your comfort foods and drinks is a real bitch.

Add the massive influx of mosquitoes here, thankfully not virus carrying ones, and I look like I have a rash, Im pale from vomiting for days and weaker than I need to be, to be solo in a foreign country.

I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

I miss you all.

I'll be in touch more, eventually.

Yours in service

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