Captured Moments: Exploring Barcelona! 🇪🇸


Captured Moments: These are some snapshots and captured memories from my recent trip to Barcelona!

Featuring fellow Steemians @soldier, @mrs.steemit, @vanylou and @agent!

Barcelona is a vibrant city that has something to offer for everybody.

Whether it's the beach, shopping, nightlife, food, culture or nature - Barcelona has it all!

Apart from the beach, the city also offers a beautiful harbor with countless yachts and restaurants.

The scenery is gorgeous so of course I just had to stop and take some pictures to capture these moments!

Take a look at the beautiful harbor!



The harbor combines maritime flair and nature with luxury and exclusivity.

There are yachts as far as the eyes can see - unfortunately I didn't have enough time, but I'd like to return here and go on a boat trip!

It's so tempting to ride on the glistening water with a boat, with the sun shining on your skin, the wind blowing in your face and the ocean all around you.

We went on to explore the city - and stumbled upon a very interesting piece of art.

Look at this wall - it looks like 2 lips that are kissing, right?

But actually, if you get closer, you will see that this mosaic picture is made up of countless other, small pictures.
We just randomly walked past this piece of art and of course, it caught or attention instantlyand we had to stop to check out what that was all about.

This is a piece of art called "El món neix en cada besada" by Joan Fontcuberta, created in 2014.

It's a photo-mosaic mural featuring images from thousands of people that fit the description "moments of freedom".



In the evening, we went back out to walk around the city center, exploring the different areas of Barcelona.

The streets are so lively, filled with countless tiny shops, restaurants and bars where people are enjoying themselves.

You can hear live music, singing and laughter when walking past - such a vibrant city!

Most parts of the city center consist of old, historical buildings, showcasing the rich culture and history of spain.

Wherever you go, there is always something to see!

We were actually on our way to eat dessert (which is why we're navigating with our phones) but what exactly we were going to eat, you'll find out soon from Mr. Gourmet...

After a fun-filled day of exploring the city, we returned to the hotel.

Although walking around a (foreign) city can become quite tiring, it's the best way to get to know the city and its people in my opinion.
Only by foot can you pick up the atmosphere around you, as well as the different sights/smells/sounds.

We went back to the Hotel to replenish our energy and recap on the impressions and memories of the day.


When visiting a new city, we often try to cram as many activities as possible into very little time.

You feel like you want to see everything, but in this case, it's quality over quantity.

Rather select your activities carefully and have a great time instead of trying to rush and do it all.

There is still more to share from my trip - I'm glad that we are able to capture these moments with photos and videos so that we can look back on it later on.

Until next time!

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