Learning To Make Sushi In Tokyo 🍣 Highlights Of Traveling Japan

I thought I knew a thing or two about sushi before visiting Japan, but I was wrong. 

While in Tokyo, Japan Michelle and I took a sushi making class at the AJSA Sushi Skills Institute. We learned how to make nigiri, makizushi, and gunkan makimaki. 

Nigiri is the original form of sushi comprising of a thin slice of fish over hand-pressed rice. It was originally invented as "fast food" in Japan. The story tells of a chef in the 1800s who worked in the Edo area (now Tokyo). The entrepreneurial chef  began selling his freshly made fish and rice combo to workers as a brief snack and sushi was born.  Makizushi is the typical modern sushi comprised of ingredients rolled in a sheet of nori seaweed.  Gunkan maki is made with a small rice ball wrapped in seaweed, but there is space at the top for fish eggs and other toppings.

The thing that surprised me the most was to learn that traditionally sushi is eaten with your hands not chopsticks! When eating, the sushi is picked up and the meat on the nigiri is slightly dipped in soy sauce. Too much soy sauce and you can't taste the fish. Sushi in Japan is simple. Americans have taken shushi in entirely different flavor direction, which I personally don't mind. But the focus in Japan is all about complimenting, not covering up the flavor of the fish. Fish flavor is paramount in real Japanese sushi. 

Learning To Make Sushi From The Master Chef

Making Our Own Sushi

The Finished Product

Michelle and I took a month to travel across Japan and China this past May (2017). It was epic! Follow me @slickwilly and Michelle @curiouser for posts about our adventures!   

Hi there, I’m Will.  First and foremost I am an entrepreneur and voluntaryist.  I aspire to help build a more free world, one that we all want to live in.  Some of my biggest passions include cryptocurrencies, marketing, finance, cannabis, traveling, bodybuilding, snowboarding, motorcycles, and Subarus.  All pictures are my own unless otherwise stated.  I release everything under CC0.  

My website: williamjohnsonlong.com  

Affiliated Steemit Accounts: @bitcoinshirtz @trueliberty  

My Previous Post 👉 Clubbing In Tokyo's Shibuya District - Highlights Of Traveling Japan

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