Dinner at The Traditional Restaurant in Gyeongju

As I wrote in previous posting, one of the difficult thing was taking a meal in restaurant.
It is little bit inconvenient to take a meal in Korean traditional restaurant.
They used to serve for minimum 2 people due to the side dish.

The side dish is very important in Korean food. So if the restaurant serve the side dish for one people, it can not be profitable for restaurant.

After looking around the Choi family’s house of the honorable wealth, I’d like to have a dinner.
I was hungry, because I had walked all day long that day.

There was a restaurant. But I couldn’t decide to enter into there.



It’s because they would not serve a meal for one person.
While hesitating whether enter or not in front of the gate and looking the inside of the restaurant, one waitress suggested me to enter into the restaurant.




Actually I was very difficult situation, if I went to the downtown to having a dinner, it would take about 1 hour. But I was too hungry and tired.

Her suggestion seemed an angels voice for me.

As I took the photo above, the restaurant building was the traditional style architecture.

Their garden was so beautiful.


They had a menu for one person. It was the Bibimbap.
It was the mixed rice with various vegetables and meats(beef).
More impressive thing was the appearance of the table was so beautiful.







Their Bibimbap was little bit different from others.

The rice was yellow colored with some herbal plants


It looked nice. The side dish was perfect.
It was a lightly seasoned meal.

The night scene of this restaurant was awesome.

I’d like to recommend you drop by this restaurant when you visit Korea.

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