Looking around Chang Deok Goong : The road to the Main Building for King's Reign


Whenever I was free, I used to look around the historical site in Korea.
One day my elder brother joined with me on looking around. He was my cousin and we had grown up together.

When we were kids, there was a strong influence of agricultural society.
In our age, Cousins are as same as the siblings.

Talking to my cousin, he was really brilliant. He was thought as a genius.

That day when I’d like to look around the Chang Deok Going, I proposed him to be with me.
The reason to look around Chang Deok Goong was to walk through the Secret Garden of Chang Deok Goong.

But we were not allowed to enter into the Secret Garden, we were slightly late on time for buying tickets for the Secret Garden. The Secret Garden was the back garden for the King and Queen. It is said that the Secret Garden is one of the most well preserved Garden in the world.

Even though we were late for the Secret Garden, we could buy the tickets for Chang Deok Goong.

Oh, let me explain the meaning of Chang Does Goong.
I’ve explained several times on Goong, the Palace.

Chang means ‘broaden’ and Deok means ‘virtue’

It means that King should broaden the virtue for his people.
This name reflected Confucian philosophy thoroughly.

It was long time ago when I had visited Chang Deok Goong last, so I was very pleased to look around there.

The name of main gate was Don Wha Moon.

The meaning is ‘make the harmony bigger and stronger’
In Confucian society, the harmony is very important value.
What the westerners could not understand in Korean, Japanese and China is the harmony.

The harmony itself is very good value, but sometimes it has been disturbing the individualism which is the most important value for Democracy.

If you are westerner, you need to understand the atmosphere of the trend of Harmony.

As soon as passing through the main gate, there is a road which is consist of three parts.
The center was a road for king and either sides were for green and princes.

Here I walked on the center road. When you visit Korea and Chang Deok Goong, I recommend you walk on the center road with the feeling of becoming a King.

There were many tourists taking the selfie with Korean traditional costumes.
You can rent the korean traditional costumes, then you can enter into the palace with free.

As entering into the Palace, what made me amazing was the trees. The trees around the kings road were very mysterious and taking cared very well.

My brother told me Chang Deok Goong would be upmost beautiful in Spring, Summer and Fall.
But it was really beautiful for me even in Winter.

Finally we arrived at In Jeong Jeon, the main official building for King’s reign.

Thank you Steemians.

Let me post In Jeong Jeon next time

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