Looking around Nam Dae Moon Market

20170913 slowwalker

I entered into the Nam Dae Moon Market after walking down from Mt.Namsan. Nam Dae Moon Market seemed to be famous among the tourists who had been visiting Seoul. They told me that Nam Dae Moon Market was declined than before. But when I arrived at the Nam Dae Moon Market, there were so many people. One thing I noticed at there was there were mainly old people. Yes, Nam Dae Moon Market was changing as a place of memory and and turning into the place of reminiscence.

Whenever looking old people in the market place, I feel nostalgia to the past.

Korea is changing too fast, so sometimes I could not adapt myself to the change in my surroundings. I felt uneasy in modern department and contemporary shopping center. Conventional market place made me comfortable. Market place confirm me there is a people living place.

You can see and enjoy how people live their life. A dilylife is sacred. In market place I could see the warriors who try to keep and raise their family.

It is interesting to look at people, you can enjoy various kinds of people buying and selling.

One of the interest thing is taking food on the street. At the entrance of the market, I saw people make a line to buy a food

I got closer to the food vehicle to see in detail. It was fried vegetable cake.

I bought one. It was less than 1 dollar.

I tasted it, but it was so so. I couldn't understand why people were waiting for a long time.

I could see one monk taking a fried vegetable cake

It was getting darker. I needed to select to wait for a while to take night view or go to home. I decided to take the pics of night scenes.

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