Lotus Flower Festival in BooYeo City

I visited lotus flower festival in Boo Yeo with my mom. Lotus blooms in Summer. I had been Boo Yeo 2 weeks ago to see lotus flower. At that time lotus was just before the culmination. So I tried to see once more.

Boo yeo is quiet place originally, but the city was very complicated due to lotus festival. Many people were gathering to enjoy the lotus festival.

Painters who were drawing portraits were appeared in my eyes first.

It was amazing to see the painter to draw with pharyngeal. I was looking at that for a while.

And there were something to enjoy.

The place where the lotus festival was held was the pond of the Baek Jae dynasty Palace more than 1000 years ago.

My mom was sketching the trees there. She walked around better than me in this hot weather.

It seemed that lotus flower in June was better than the lotus in July.

In july

In June

Especially small kinds of lotus were much more beautiful in June.

The shape of lotus was more elegance and temperate.

There is old saying in korea “There is nothing to eat in a famous party”
Life seems similar to the old saying.
I had disappointed with famous persons in sometimes. Maybe it caused from my high expectation.

There seemed to be similarity between people and flowers.
It looked more beautiful when it was not perfect.

Life is same.
The less perfect, the happier.
It is difficult to live happy life when we have more than we need.

Thank you for reading.

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