Marvelous thing in our lives, Experiencing Beyond Expectation.

I had posted on the DDP several month ago. At that time I promised to look around the DDP at night.

DDP : Dongdaemun Design Plaza.
Jaha Hadid
스크린샷 2018-01-19 오후 9.29.29.png

The DDP was designed by Jaha Hadid. She was one of the most famous and influenced Architect in the world. She was born in Iraq and had worked in Britain and America. She was a genius.

When I posted before, I looked around DDP at daytime. But some of my friend told me that the real appearance of DDP could be seen at night.

It had taken almost half year to stop by once more since I had dropped by DDP first time.
It was a hot summer when I stopped by. So I sweated a lot

In day time, it was clear to identify whole appearance of the DDP. It was not difficult to understand the image of DDP.

But at night, it was totally different. Even I had walked around the DDP several times, it was not easy for me to understand whole formation.

Jaha Hadid had told before that she’d like to express the Wall of Seoul which had been built in Choson dynasty. But actually the DDP looked like a space ship for me. Especially the aluminum panel made me think DDP of Space ship.

Lots of the aluminum panel was shedding lights like a space shuttle as like I had seen in SF firm.
The lights of outside of the DDP disturbed me distinguish the DDP and made me falling into the fantastic atmosphere.

There were lots of tourists to enjoy this marvelous looking regardless of cold weather.

I was confused how this DDP came to me totally different feature comparing to it's feature of daytime. And I confirmed that this uncertainty was the real subject of the DDP. Making things difficult to define the conception of this magnificent architecture was a true talent of Jaha Hadid in my opinion.

That was the reason why they named her an architect of deconstructionism in my guess.

One looking is better than one hundred listening.

Then let’s go.

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More shots around the DDP

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It was almost impossible to take the whole appearance of DDP, so I bought the wide angle lens. But this wide angle lens was not enough to catch the DDP whole.

Anyway I strongly recommend to look at the DDP at night .
New York times selected the DDP as one of the 55th place you had to stop by before you died.

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