National Treasuries in Keumsan-sa Temple, Korea

In this posting, I’d like to introduce you four relics in Keumsan-sa designated National treasury.
All of national treasures in the temple seemed to be made in Goryeo dynasty.
Those treasuries could escape from the destruction during Japanese Invasion 1592 - 1597.

The first one is the stupa of unique design.
It is hexagonal multistory stupa with black stone.
It was first time for me to see this kind of stupa in Korea.
I estimate that this stupa was strongly influenced from Mongolian.



Patterns of the foundation looked so elegant, but its style was quite different to that of Shilla Dynasty. Patterns in Shilla were strongly influenced from Arabic culture, but we can not find any influence from Arabic culture.




Korean stupa has its own unique style, but after the Mongolian Invasion in Goryeo dynasty the style of the stupas were changing after the Mongol style.

The Second was the Lotus patterned pedestal.
It is uncertain what was on this pedestal. In my guess, they could’ve put Buddha statue, otherwise there would be no reason making such a splendid pedestal.



The Third one was the pillar of un identified its uses.
Nobody knows its usage until now.
This shows us how much our heritage we have lost until now.
As looking that pillar, I tried to imagine the usage of the pillar.



The last one was the stone lantern.
It was very well balanced.
Unlike other stone lanterns of Goryeo dynasty, this lantern was perfect.



I thanked God those relics survived through War.
Only stone stuffs could make it in going through tough time.

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