Once upon a Night in Nam Dae Moon Market


It was getting darker. The stores began to turn on the lights one by one.

People hurried to go home. 'Shopkeepers were preparing for night guest. I don't know the reason why but a thought, niight view in market place must be nice, came to me.

Night has a mysterious power. Night had seduced me often escape from home in my childhood. I remember my mom strictly ban me go out of house after dinner. We should stay at home. She certainly believed that goddess of night took her children away anywhere. I was happy when I entered college for going out with free.

I need to wait for a while to meet a goddess of night. I was hungry. So I entered into a restaurant to eat and to wait for a while.

I ordered a noodle. It was dark out side while I was eating a noodle.
Walking out from the restaurant, I came across a modern department. The contemporary department in front of a conventional marketplace seemed not so suitable.

Turning to the left, there was a road to the market. Some stores were closed and some stores were preparing for visitors in night.

As walking into the market, night views in market was impressive to me. I took a photo of the night views

Dark background of the photos made me look more closer to an essence of the life.

Entering into the center part of the market, streets were light. On the road the street traders were taking a dinner. It smelled good. I'd like to get together with them.

I took the photos of night views more. I wish you enjoy night views of Nam Dae Moon market.

Turing to the corner, I walked along the street. There I could find that fried vegetable seller.

In the side of the street, a street bar was open. Some people drank soju of korean vodka and was talking together.

The back alley was closed. I took a photo of back alley in the market.
This melancholic atmosphere was nice.

It's time to go home, I went to the street. There I took the pics more of the street views.

I came back to home by bus.
Taking the photos of Nam Dae Moon market, I thoght to take more photos of Seoul night scenary.

Thank you for visiting.

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