Peaceful Appearance Of People in Naeso-sa temple.

Naeso-sa temple was peaceful place.
So I could see people taking a rest in the temple.

Just looking people resting in the temple was interesting
In this posting I’d like to show the photos of people in Naeso-sa

At first I saw one monk walking down to the village.
His back appearance was so peaceful.


What makes people peaceful ?
It was me feel peaceful when looking at the monk's back appearance.
Was the monk really peaceful ? Or it was just my subjective thought the monk must've been peaceful and happy.

I saw a dad and a baby son.
The baby son was sleeping in dad’s arm.
It must be the happiest time when daddy hold his baby in his arm.
Yes, I remember very that moment holding my baby in my arm.
I still remember it's soft skin and sweet smell.



Daddy had beeb walking for a long time under the shadow for his baby.

On the corner of the foreground of the temple, a mom and a baby boy were playing with small stone to make stupa.
Her son tried to set up his own stupa.
Mom was looking at her son with smile.



Near the spring people were gathered to drink a cup of water.
It was a kind of custom to drink a cup of water when visiting the temple.
People used to drink a cup of water not for the thirsty of the body but for the thirsty of the soul.



A family was strolling under the lantern. The family looked so happy.


I saw an oldman under the old tree.
He was taking a rest under the shadow of the old tree.
The peaceful energy of the old tree was enough for an oldman taking a rest for a lazy afternoon.


I was happy to looking at people enjoying the peace in mind

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