Porcelain and National Maritime Museum in Mockpo City.


I didn’t know that such many museums were located in Mockpo city. One female hotel clerk recommended me to stop by the National Maritime Museum.


She told me there I could look around the magnificent mount of porcelains which had been found in the wrecked ship under the sea.

She explained that there were lots of records of the invoice for the goods which were written on the bamboo.
The Chinese ink was well known for maintaining written letters for a long time especially under the influence of the salt.

As hearing her words, I was so curious about the bamboo records and the porcelains.

The museum was not far from my hotel, so I walked along the beach of the port to get there.
The beach was very well arranged.


It was very pleasant for walking along the beach.

The National Maritime Museum was located by the beach.

As soon as entering into the museum, first exhibition hall was for the celadon of Koryeo Dynasty. The celadon porcelain of Koryeo Dynasty was very famous. It’s green color was evaluated as a mysterious work, even until now it was very difficult to duplicate it.

It seemed that many ships were wrecked not far from the beach. Some water ways were notorious for it’s danger.

The excavated ship was exhibited as below



There had been stories that lots of ships had been wrecked for a long time. Unexpectedly a fisherman found some porcelains and the excavation had begun since the fisherman found the porcelain.

That excavation have been known as the one of the biggest and longest in the world.

There were lots of porcelains in the exhibition hall. There must be needed several times to introduce the porcelains of this museum.

In this posting, I’d like to show you the celadon porcelains of Koryeo Dynasty.

As entering into the first exhibition hall, I could see the ship wrecked. The size of the ship was not so large. But there were lots of porcelains as below.






Black pattern was carved with the gold. When the gold was being heated, the color was changing into black. All colors of the porcelain was made up of the metals.




Below was the most prominent work among the Koryeo celadon porcelain in my guess.
The color was mysterious. The size was also large. In my opinion, it seemed to be very difficult to make same or similar work even now days.


Bamboo record was a kind of the invoice for the celadon. They put the honey or the oils into the celadon. That was the present of the local officials to the powerful politician.


Thank you for reading. In next posting, I’d like to explain another masterpiece of the celadon porcelain of Koryeo dynasty.

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