Real Treasures Which had been hidden Under the Sea for Several Hundred Years.

In North East Asia, there have been very active trade among Korea, Japan and China more than 2 thousands years ago.
It was a great result for me for having a chance to confirm the evidences of the active trade among Korea, Japan and China.


In 1975, a fisherman found some porcelains in the sea and reported to the museum. Since then, the one of the most famous excavation in history had been done for 9 years. It was a start of the sea excavation in Korea, other excavation had been continued with the discovery in Sinan.

Before that discovery, there had been some legends that the ship had been sunk long time ago.
But people thought it solely a legend. Legend became reality. Lots of excavation had been done since that discovery.
As the results of the excavation, lots of priceless relics had been found.

In this point, the discovery in Sinan was very important. The ship was sunk in 1323 near Sinan of Mokpo in Korea.
The trade ship had started from china and planned to convey the goods to Korea and Japan.

But this trade ship seemed to be sunk by the storm.
History of the trade ship was written in Bamboo record. At that time, there existed the kinds of the invoice in now a days




As the result of the excavation, more than 26,000 relics had been found. Among them 25,000 were Chinese porcelains, and the others were valuable things indeed.

So it was lucky for me to look around the museum.
There were lots of things to introduce you.
But in this posting, I’d like to post on the trade ship at first.

As soon as entering into the museum, I was supprised with the size of the trade ship.
They had gathered every pieces of the ship and rebuilt into a perfect shape.


Let’s look at the ship
I could not close my mouth. It was amazing.
The ship was so large and beautiful.




They exhibited whole ship in an exhibited room. They seemed to built this exhibition room for the purpose of display this ship. In my opinion, their intention was successful. I had stayed in that room for long time.

Side wall of the exhibition room was filled with the relics.

At first there were lots of special wood using in the religious ceremony and making a very difficult furnitures.




The interesting thing is those woods were mainly came from the South west Asia.
It meant that at that time a sort of the transit trade was common type of business.

On the other wall, amount of porcelains were exhibited in the window.





Next time let me post the relics found in Sinan more in detail.

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