The Beauty of the Pine Trees in Gyeongju City

Gyeongju city is a small but beautiful.
I could not see big shoping mall and apartment in the downtown.

Actually it is almost impossible to build such a large scale of Building.
There are high possibility to find the relics, while digging the ground for the foundation of a building.
If someone’d like to develop his own place, the owner have to pay all cost for the excavation according to the Law in Korea.
I thought it a foolish law at first. In my opinion, the government should pay for the cost instead of the owner.

But it was Inevitable at that time when the law was made. Korean government was too poor to support the cost for excavation. They decided to postpone the development as soon as possible until the government is able to pay for the money for the excavation.

But in the case of that the owners have ability to pay for the cost, the government decided to allow the development.

As the result of the law, the downtown of Gyeongju looks like an old and ruined city.
But we could keep the relics unharmed under the ground

Even though the government became rich, this policy does not changed until now.

But thanks to this foolish policy and law, You can see the scenery of the downtown at 1970 - 80th.
I couldn’t take the photos of the downtown, next time I will take the photos of the city.

In this posting, I’d like to show you the pine trees.

Koreans love the pines.
The Pine trees have special emotional meaning for Korean people.

Koreans think the pines the very important thing for their national identity.
When I joined in Army, we were ordered to remove all trees in front of our trenches for better sight seeing against the enemy.

We followed the order and removed all trees except the Pine trees.
The inspecting officer had visied and asked that why we didn’t remove the pine trees.

We answered loudly all together “ Yes, sir, the pines are too beautiful. So we couldn’t cut off. Sir”
The officer smiled and had gone without a word.

The pines in Korea are growing in zig zag.
Usually zigzagged trees are not so useful for building a house.

But this zigzagged pines have been used very often for the building materials.
As a result we can enjoy the marvelous zigzagged pillars of the traditional houses.

Anyway while walking around the Gyeongju area, I was so impressed by the pines.
The pines in Gyeongju city were well cared.

I took the photos of the pines while walking around.

Seeing once is better than Hearing 100 times.
I’d like to introduce you the pines

First part of phots were taken near the tombs of Kim’s family King



Second part was taken at the Poseokjeong, the place where Kings had enjoyed their entertainment.



Third part was taken near the 3 Kings tomb outside of Gyeongju city.
I had walked 5 hours to get there that day.




Last part was taken near the First King and Queen’s tomb.




Each pines seemed to have it’s specific and unique atmosphere.

The atmosphere of the pines were various according to it’s place.

What do you feel about the pine trees in Gyeongju ?

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