The Golden Crown and the Gold Smithing Skill in Shilla Dynasty.

The Golden Crown and other decorations is believe one of the best relic of Shilla dynasty. Needless to say, You will acknowledge it’s beauty and delicacy of Shilla culture as soon as looking at.

Different from Baek Jae, the relics of Shilla was not stollen severely like Baek Jae.
The reason why the relics were not stollen so much was due to the construction style of tomb.
The tombs of Baek Jae had an entrance to the tomb from out side.
If the tomb raider found the entrance, they could steal the relics with easy.

Under the Japanese rule, Japanese had collected the relics from koreans who had stole the relics from the tomb. Relatively Baek Jae Tombs were easy to steal compare to that of Shilla dynasty which didn’t make an entrance of tomb at all.

Now days, Baek Jae relics are very rare even in Museum. Many relics of Baek Jae dynasty were believed to had been smuggled from Korea to Japan.

The relics of Shilla dynasty were not easy to steal due to the structure of tomb construction.

Because of this reason, we could see the golden crown in the National Museum.

If you look at the golden crown with your eyes, you will be surprise on their beauty and delicacy.
It is lucky we could see the perfect crown and decorations.

Needless to say, let’s look at the golden relics first.



In this posting, I’d like to show you mainly the crown and the earrings.
You can see the perfect crown. It looked amazing how this crown could’ve been preserved such a perfect appearance under the ground for a long time.

You can see lots of bended jades on the crown. The bended jade was a symbol of the king’s authority.




The earrings were so delicate. It meant that the gold smithing skill was so excellent in Shilla dynasty.
Let’s look at the earrings more in detail.







I am curious when they put those ear rings on their ear, what would happen on their ear ?

Everything has it’s origin and process. Of course this wonderful relics also must've had it’s own start.
In next posting, I’d like to look at the process for this awesome gold smithing skill.

Thank you for reading.

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