The Most Beautiful Place in The Most Beautiful Garden.

The most awesome place in Garden was where we stopped by at first. I already had posted one part, the pond and the island, on them in last posting.


This place was so beautiful, because every things and facilities were harmonized and balanced.
The pond and the island was located in the center and the pavilions and the official building were arranged around the pond and the island.



In this posting, let me introduce the buildings and pavilions.

This building could be said the main theme of this posting.
Two story wooden building was a library of King.
In Choson Dynasty, King must be a Confucian Scholar. So the prince had to study very hard.
King often wrote the books.



In the King of Jeong Jo, he ordered to establish the library for king himself and the academy for young officials. And King named it ‘Kyu Jang Kak’

King Jeong Jo had reigned 1776 - 1800.

This Kyu Jang Kak had played very important role in the reign of King Jeong Jo.
He had taught the young officials and appointed them to the important place.

He’d like to reign his country according to the ideals of Confucian philosophy, for implementing his project the academy was essential. In fact the officials had been trained in the Kyu Jang Kak had played the role of king’ supporter.

Thanks to the Kyu Jang Kak, Korea became the one of the country having the most materials and books in the world in 14 - 19 century. These books and materials were moved to Seoul National University. Now these materials and books were translated from Chinese letter to Korean. The period for the translation is to be said for more than hundred years.

King Jeong Jo did his best to cultivate the young officials, so he established ‘Kyu Jang Kak’ in the best place in the Garden.
According to story, King Jeong Jo had banished some officials who could not solve his question to the island in the pond.


There was a wall of bamboo in front of Kyu Jang Kak. Bamboo wall shows how they thought the harmony with Nature important.


There were three gate in the wall. Only king could use the main gate, other officials used small gate side of the main gate.


The other side of Kyu Jang Kak, there was a pavilion had been used for kings healing place.
King sometimes enjoyed fishing on the pond.



Kings family had took a rest around the pond, this was a place for kings family.



All of these buildings and the pond and the island composed the best place in the Garden.

With the death of King Jeong Jo, Kyu Jang Kak was dismissed by the old officials who hated King’s reformation.

After death of King Jeong Jo, Choson Dynasty lost it’s internal dynamics and power to overcome the threat from outside.

So this place was not only the most beautiful place but also the last place of dynasty’s glory.

I could not take enough photos due to the schedule by the guide. We needed to finish walking around the garden in One hour.

(Another posting on the Garden to be continued)

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