The Most Prominent Masterpiece Among the Relics in Sinan Shipwreck

Each one has it’s own point of view in evaluating some thing. Appreciating the Art work is very interesting job one can enjoy.

In Capitalism, everything even the art might’ve been changed into the value of economy, or the money. In many case, the standard of the evaluation was taken into the hands of the so-called specialist

It means that even the pure internal excitement can not be permitted to common people in capitalism.

In many cases, the specialists often confiscate your emotional joy and delight. They force you to follow their point of value.

In these sense, the only opportunity to enjoy your internal joy and delight would be taken only in the museum. In museum, there is no reason to evaluate the economic value.

So only in the museum, you can enjoy pure value of the relics according to your own point of view and value.

Among the relics, I found the most prominent master piece in my view.

The vase was located in the corner of the exhibition room. It was not easy for the tourists to find out where the Vase located in.

What this vase made me feel awesome was a color of it. The color was so mysterious as the medieval works. At first glance, I had thought it of some postmodern style color.

It’s color was mixed one with blue and white. But this blue light was quite different from other blue colors. The blue color of the porcelain was made with the cobalt metal. But it didn’t seemed that the cobalt was not used in this vase.

How did they make that mysterious color ? With the glaze , or the enamel ? Anyway there was no other explanation on that vase. It seemed that no-one concentrated on that color.

This vase could be far from the master piece in the eyes of the specialists. But it was marvelous for me how they could make such a wonderful color for nearly 800 years ago.


There were lots of other beautiful porcelains. The appearance of those porcelains were excellent.
How they made such a wonderful shape without the help of machine. All of porcelains displayed in exhibition room were perfectly balanced.

That shows the excellency of the craftsmanship at that ages.








I was walking around the exhibition room slowly. I’d like to to share their feeling, thought and life.
The world they had lived in seemed to be much more closer than we thought.

There were other exhibitions in the museum. Especially the special exhibition of the Vietnamese relics found in shipwreck was held there.

It would be boring to continue same subject in rows. I’d like to post another issue in next posting.

Thank you for reading

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