The Trace of an Eternal Love 3 , Karma with Monk

20170821 Slowwalker

I had looked around some buildings of the temple.
The most impressive building was a small traditional Korean House.

This house was a place where the one of the great monk passed away.
His name was Beop Jeong.

He was a very famous for his book of spiritual essays.
He had written several books which influenced to many people.
He was a true monk dedicated himself for the eternal truth.

Naturally, Kim Younghan was deeply influenced by him and she made up her mind to donate entire property to him to make a Buddhist Temple.
She had proposed to him when it comes to make the temple. But the Monk Beop Jeong strictly refused her suggestion.

Kim Younghan had never gave up and continued to request him for 10 years. Finally he accepted her donation and the temple was built in 1994. At that time one of her acquaintance asked her whether her donations were too excessive. She answered clearly all my money is less valuable to Baek Seok’s one poem line.

After several years of building the temple, Kim Younghan was dead. Her last word was “fire my body and scattered that ashes in the corner of the temple” After her death, her ashes were scattered in the tempe. The Karma between poet Baek Seok and Kim younghan was ended in this world. There Karma had left the temple “ Ghilsangsa”

Meanwhile, Beop Jeong never had stayed in this temple except 1 day.
The one day way the his last day in his
life in this world.

By the way to the house of Beop Jeong, I saw very impressive door.

I had visited the house where he passed away. The house was located in the very corner of the temple. In front of the house, there a stone gethering for the wishes of people to Beop Jeong’s entering into the Paradise.

The house was small but beautiful and romantic.

You can enjoy a sound of the rainfall.

Now it is a small museum for Beop Jeong. It is not permitted to take the pics.

He had had a lung cancer for long time. He didn’t want to get a surgery. But people forced him to get a surgery. While he was sick, he wanted to die in somewhere nobody knows. He really wanted to live according to his own will. But his disciples didn’t let him die along.

Finally he was sent to the hospital and the very last night he was moved to Ghilsangsa. There he passed away.

I had read all his books. He was my powerful spiritual teacher even though I wasn’t a Buddhist.
My son, he was a teenager at that time, told me that people should have lived like Beop Jeong.

In accordance with his last words, his ashes scattered in the nameless hill where he had lived in his old age. He had entered into the deep mountain to escape from people who wanted to meet him.

With Beop Jeong’s death, all of Kim Younghan’s karma in this world was concluded.

Thank you for reading.

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