Tragic River Border Line in ImJin river with North Korea.

Checking some historical places along the border line with North Korea was the main purpose of this business trip.
It was an ImJin river where we had stepped by during the business trip.
The border line was defended by Marine Corp of South Korea

Likewise other country, Marine Corp is an elite troop in Korea.

I’d like to take the photos of the facilities, but it was banned for the security reasons.
So I could take some pics of the scenery around the border line.

Korea has been divided in 2 nations as you know, South and North as a result of Korean War.
War ended without any results. The most serious tragedy was the families were seperated.
More than 10 million people lost contact with their family.

DMZ is the Demilitarized Zone which is cruelest border line of MDL(Military Demarcation Line) 156miles .
This DMZ is exist not only in land but also on the river.

In this business trip, I’d like to see the river border line my own eyes.
I had seen it long time ago, at that time it gave me special impression,
In one month I will retire on my job, then there would be no more chance to enter into this area.

Through complicated procedure, We could arrived at the riverside of ImJin river finally where was not only the DMZ but also MDL of Korean Peninsula.

ImJin river is the place where sea and river meat.
So Sometimes the water flowing direction is changing according to the ebb and flow of the tide.

Before the Korean War, the ImJin river was an affluent fishing grounds.
Now any fisherman could not enter into the river for fishing.

On the river I could see the ices were floating along the tides of water.
The floating ices reminded me of the fate of separated family by the War.

Relatives of this area had lived in both riversides for a long time, but no one could not visit their relatives anymore.
Who draw this invisible but the most strong unbreakable line on the river ?

I took the several pics of the area.
You can see the barbered fences on the river side to protect the North Korean Army’s infiltration to the South.

That kinds of facilities to protect Northern Army’s infiltration made me very nervous.

Except that tension, the scenery was awesome.

The riverside and the rocks were beautiful.

There was an Island on the river, but no body have entered into the that small island after Korean War.

I was told that 2-3 family had lived in the island before the Korean War.

As far as I heard, the Owner of that island is still waiting for visiting his island and taking care of his family’s grave yard.

Every place has its history. But I felt tragic atmosphere here.

ImJin river was a river of tragedy.

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