Visiting Kang Kyeong city and same mistake twice.

Last time when I had visited for Kang Kyeong city, I lost to take the battery charger of my camera.
So, I had prepared thoroughly not to forget anything about taking the photos. I bought one more battery for emergency.

It was very cold and nice sunny day when I had dropped by Kang Keong city. Even the cold air made me pleasant.

It is my jinx that I have made same mistake twice. That day was no exception of my jinx.
The day when I had visited last time was a Monday.

Do you understand what I’d like to say on my mistake ?
Yes, it was a Monday.
Usually the museums are closed on Monday.
The place where I planed to visit was also no exception.
They were closed when I visited.


The name of this building was Jooklim Seowon.
It means that ‘Bamboo Forest Private College’


Oh, my god. I could not enter into the place.
So I needed to take the pics out side of the walls.



In last posting on the Protestantism of Kang Kyeong city, I had posted that the protestantism in Korea had a specific meaning in Korean Modern History.

At that time, the Protestantism was simply not a religion. People accepted the Protestantism for the New Ideology to transform their country Choson which was based on Confucianism.

They had thought it was impossible to overcome the difficulties they had faced with through the confucian philosophy.

What I’d like to show you in this posting is that their decision accepting the Protestantism was not easy. I’d like to introduce you that the strict and strong tradition of Confucian teaching had been undergoing when they accepted Protestantism.

The reason why I’d like to introduce to you this traditional private Confucian college was to show you that Kang Kyeong was very important area in Confucianism before turning into the center of the Protestantism.

This private college was built by one of the most influential scholars in Korean Confucian philosophy.

Seowon is composed with two parts.
First one is the religious sphere for the ceremony for the great teachers in Confucianism.
The place for the ceremony was colored.

(this was taken when I had visited first time)



Second part is the place to study.


There was an another pavilion on the hill behind of the Sewon,
On the road to the pavilion, you could see the Bamboo trees.




Bamboo tree means 'once you made up your mind, never change it especially relating to the Royalty for the King.

On the hill there was an old wooden building and monument.




The Scene on the hill was so beautiful.


But there are so many problems to resolve. The pavilion was enclosed with ruined buildings.



I was so sorry.

Thank you for reading.

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