Where I stayed in Mockpo, Youngsanjae and enjoying traditional resident hotel.

Traveling is a continuation of the pleasures. There are many pleasures while traveling. This pleasures are changing along with the ages. When I was young, sight seeing and meeting with people was a first priority.

Now my priority in traveling is healing and taking a rest. This tendencies lead me to find out how to rest and what to eat.

The resident place is very important in traveling. In many cases, the hotels decide everything.
In Mockpo, I mada a reservation in Youngsanjae traditional Hotel. I could make a reservation in a low price with using Apps. It was one hundred dollars, if it it was a high-demand season, the price would be 3 times higher.

In Korean traditional architecture, there is a classification according to the names. Jae means mainly a place for reading and writing place. Now days nobody concerned out this classification.
So Youngsan Jae must be a place for thinking and reading. If YoungsanJae would be suitable for it’s usage of the hotel, Youngsan Gwan is more suitable.
Anyway I thought the owner of this Yongsanjae want to make his hotel not only a resting but also a thinking place.

I arrived at the Youngsanjae at 6 o’clock, but it became to darkening. So I could not looking around and walking around the hotel.

First impression was awesome. Usually night views would waive people in fantastic atmosphere. Especially yellow illumination made the atmosphere more fantastic.

I looked around the hotel and took the photos. It was awesome.





My room was also nice. There is no bed in traditional hotel, but you can enjoy the warm floor of Ondol system. The Ondol is a traditional warming system in Korea. It must be a best way in winter season.





All of wooden part of this hotel was built with special material
I took the pics of ceiling in my room.


Chamaecyparis obtusa (Japanese cypress, hinoki cypress[2] or hinoki; Japanese: 檜 or 桧 hinoki) is a species of cypress native to central Japan.
It is a slow-growing tree which grows to 35 m tall with a trunk up to 1 m in diameter. The bark is dark red-brown. The leaves are scale-like, 2–4 mm long, blunt tipped (obtuse), green above, and green below with a white stomatal band at the base of each scale-leaf. The cones are globose, 8–12 mm diameter, with 8–12 scales arranged in opposite pairs. The related Chamaecyparis pisifera (sawara cypress) can be readily distinguished in its having pointed tips to the leaves and smaller cones.(from wikipedia)

In the morning, I opened the window and looked out side. It was good.
As walking around the Hotel, I took the photos of the hotel.





If you want to enjoy the traditional place in Korea, Youngsanjae would be a good choice.

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