Photo Short #20 - The Street Parade At Phuket Vegetarian Festival

I took today's Photo Short in Phuket, Thailand, during the final street parade of the 2009 Vegetarian Festival. It was by chance I was in Phuket for this strange festival as I had never heard of it before.


LocationPhuket Town, Thailand
CameraNikon D300
LensNikkor 28mm f/2.8
Settings28mm | ISO200 | 1/30 sec | f/5.6
Post ProcessingAdobe Lightroom And Photoshop | Nik Collection

My hotel receptionist told me there would be a street parade later that night, and it would be, 'very exciting.'
I smiled and said, 'okay, I might check that out later.' Exciting and street parade are not words that go together in my experience. But, as the evening came around I had nothing better to do, so I grabbed my camera and headed out, expecting to take a few photos of colourful floats in a boring procession.

Boy was I wrong. The receptionists 'very exciting' turned out to be an understatement. Within minutes of the parade rolling up, all hell had broken loose. People were hurling bangers at one another by the hundreds. The air became thick with acrid tasting smoke, and the noise was deafening. By the time I took this photo I was bewildered and confused. I had to keep the camera pressed against my face, not to take photos, but to protect my eyes from the flying explosives.

That night I wore shorts and a t-shirt which was clearly the wrong attire for this event. Notice how most people in the photo are all covered up to protect themselves, except that grey haired man in the white clothes. That must be one tough old guy.

I haven't been back to this festival since, so I don't know how it's developed over the years. I can't help but think the health and safety police must someday catchup to it.

(Keep an eye out for a longer post about this event I intend to write with more photos and a video).

Snap Travel

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