Travels of 2017 (part 1)

I decided to also try a little travelogue, and take you with me back in a retrospective of 2017.

I started 2017 in the city of Iași, Romania (NE of the country, not far from the Moldavian border), due to unfortunate family circumstances. The city (around 300 000 residents) is absolutely beautiful and very welcoming. It has also a long history as it's been the capital of the principality of Moldova (modern Romania is the result of a union of three principalities - the third one, Transylvania, having joined the then Romanian kingdom exactly 100 years ago in 1918).

My photos are not specifically travel photos but rather family photos, so they'll often feature my daughters.

The first picture is the statue of A. I. Cuza who was elected Prince of Moldova on Jan 5th, 1859 by the "boyars", before being elected also Prince of Wallachia (the other Romanian principality of that time) on Jan 24th of the same year. This marked the birth of modern Romania. Romania became a kingdom in 1866 and became independent in 1877 (from the Ottoman Empire).


Second picture is that of a famous church in the city centre, "Trei Ierarhi". Notice the beautiful carvings on the external walls. Now of course this wouldn't be a travel "with me" if I wasn't giving you a chance to imagine yourself in the shoes of a dad of two little girls born and living abroad. Getting them interested in the history and culture of "Dad's country" was my challenge. You can picture how it went ...


Third picture is of the townhall. It's night and one can see little more than the decorations (this was first of January, 2017), so I've put alongside a picture of the townhall from the internet.


The building is very beautiful, but you don't get to chuckle imagining my not very successful attempts to catch the girls' interest and attention (it was really cold, too) ...


The final picture is that of the most beautiful and best known landmark in Iasi, the Culture Palace which is absolutely breathtaking. This is a picture taken by me (with a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 smartphone, not a professional camera) at night (and while not breathing ...) so you'll need to exercise a bit your imagination.


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