Travelling with Stabilo #17: Bouddi National Park 经纬游踪 #17: 宝迪国家公园

Travelling with Stabilo #17: Bouddi National Park

经纬游踪 #17: 宝迪国家公园


It was a warm summer day. My friends from Germany is keen to hit the beach as they live quite far from the ocean. Knowing that the famous beaches at Bondi and Manly will be overcrowded, I suggested going to the Royal National Park, where there are various coastal tracks that lead to interesting beaches. But when we were halfway there, we realised that there was a bushfire and the Royal National Park was closed. We stopped on the side of the road and frantically searched for an alternative. We decided on Bouddi National Park, about 2 hours north of Sydney.



Getting to Bouddi National Park was relatively straight forward. We just followed the M1 Motorway and exited at Gosford onto the Central Coast Highway A49 towards Avoca Beach, but turn right instead of left onto Scenic Road which took us into Bouddi National Park. There are a number of walking tracks within the Bouddi National Park, both for beginners and for experienced hikers. We wanted to do a section of the Bouddi Coastal Track which would led us to the Maitland Bay Beach. However, it turned out that I misinterpreted google map, and we couldn’t get to the start of the track by car. Since we didn’t want to walk for more than 1 hours, we decided to just stop at the carpark and head down to the Little Beach instead which was only 10 minutes away.

从悉尼沿着M1往北走到Gosford,转往A49中央海岸公路往阿沃卡海滩方向走,再转进Scenic Drive, 就可以到达宝迪国家公园。国家公园里有很多各种难度的远足路径供徒步爱好者选择。我们原本想沿滨海小径走去Maitland Bay Beach, 可是发现地图看错了,滨海小径根本不能开车到达。我们只好改往离停车场只需十分钟路程的Little Beach.


The Little Beach is indeed little – in size, that is. There was not a lot of places that have shade on a hot summer day like this, but we found an area with boulders that was slightly shaded by the cliff-side and had our picnic lunch there. Our lunch was simple but efficient – fresh salad, prosciutto and avocado spread in a pita wrap. It was really relaxing to be able to sit under the blue sky, crack open a bottle of beer and just watch the sea. It is as Aussie as you can get. We surveyed the area by eye. The beach was sandy but the sand looked a bit rough. It was also covered with lots of seaweeds. We spotted a cliff-face in the distance that looked like someone’s head.

Little Beach 固名思义是一个很小的海滩。海滩上没有树荫,我们选择在沙滩上靠着悬崖的阴凉处的石头上野餐。我们的野餐非常简便,把沙拉菜,意式火腿和牛油果酱用薄面包卷起来就变成美味的午餐。配上冰凉的啤酒和蓝天绿水,真是浓浓的澳洲夏日风情。我们一边吃一边看海湾的风景。沙滩上的沙子金黄,可以看上去不是很幼细。沙滩上还有很多海藻。我们还发现了一个长得像人头的悬崖。








After the quick lunch we strolled on the beach. It was great to be able to escape the city to find a beach that is as quiet as this. We walked along the beach, dipping our feet in the cool water and watching the waves batter the shore. There were a few people frolicking in the water nearby.







Here are a few gifs to bring you the summer feeling for those of you who are shivering in the northern hemisphere.





While Little Beach was great, it was a bit small, so we decided to move onto Maitland Bay Beach. Just like Little Beach, Maitland Bay beach is not accessible by car. According to google map, apart from the Bouddi Coastal Track, there should be another shorter but steeper track that lead to Maitland Bay Beach. That’s where we decided to go. It turned out that this track through the bushes was quite easy, as even though it was steep it had well-maintained staircases throughout. We worked our way down the stairs. Midway, there was an opening onto a rock platform that allowed us to see past the bushes to the ocean beyond. We decided to take this opportunity to bring out our drone and did an aerial survey of the area.

Little Beach 最大的缺点是它真的太小了!所以我们决定还是移步到Maitland Bay Beach. 我们看了看地图,发现去Maitland Bay Beach 还有另外一条比较短,可是比较陡的路径,可以去看看。幸好,这是一条比较简单的路径。虽然很陡,可是修了阶梯,方便游人上下。我们沿着阶梯下山,半路看见了一个平,可以从这里穿过树林看到了海。我们在这里打开了无人机,航拍了一些视频和照片。








We continued the track downhill, while thinking about how tiring it would be when we need to walk back up again. Eventually, we could see the headlands and the ocean through the trees, and before long, the path opened onto the beautiful beach. We were glad that we made the decision to move, as this beach was bigger, more beautiful and even quieter than Little Beach. We set ourselves up by some trees on the side of the beach, and we took out our drone again and took videos of the beach and the headlands. After that, it was time to relax. My friend went for a snorkel on the rocky side and saw different kinds of fishes and an enormous sea snail. My wife and his wife went for a stroll along the beach and played in the water with my son. For me, I just relaxed on the picnic mat, snapping pictures and just enjoying the lazy afternoon.

航拍完我们继续往下走,一边走着一边想,这上山会是多吃力啊!过了不久,我们终于看到海滩了!Maitland Bay Beach 比之前的海滩更大,更美,更安静。我们在树荫下安顿好后,再玩了一会无人机。之后,我们就各玩各的。我朋友在石池那边浮潜,看见了不同种类的鱼,还捡了一只很大的海蜗牛。他太太和我太太在沙滩上闲逛,和我儿子在浅水处嬉水。而我则躺在沙滩垫上,照照相,看看海,放放空。真是个惬意的下午!









All-in-all, Bouddi National Park is a nice coastal park that is not too far away from Sydney yet is far enough to escape the crowd. It is a great place to enjoy the Aussie summer, either as a day trip or as an overnight camping trip. If you are travelling to Sydney in summer, it is definitely worth a visit.



Check out the video in Dlive! I have also got the YouTube version here:

航拍视频已上传Dlive! 下面是YouTube 版的:

!steemitworldmap -33.5198 lat 151.3885 long d3scr

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