Our Trip to The Waterfalls Seven Angel at The Foot Geureudong, Aceh

HEAR the name alone is tempting. Especially if you look at it, definitely incredible! However, not many know the location of the Niagara Seven Angels. Understandably, he was confined in the wilderness in the interior of North Aceh.

At first, called Level Seven Falls. The reason, of the 10 levels, seven of whom are very charming. I wonder who first gave the name Niagara Seven Angels. Surely, he is charming like an angel.

"Angel" neglected nested years. He is like a pearl in the mud. Thick mud smeared almost all the way to the waterfall when it rains. However, running sweat and tired limp due to take extremely difficult terrain finally paid off when they arrive at the site of Niagara Seven Angels.

Exactly at 12.00 pm, seven motorbikes carrying 13 people including me move from Simpang Keude Mbang road through to the oil palm plantation PT Satya Agung. Rocky road divides the soil mix very extensive plantation area to traverse Krueng (River) Pase.

Up and down the line of hills in the middle of the palm plantation, we then cross Alue (Flow) Punti where the water is knee high. Travelling up and down the hill continue until arriving at Barak Command, within 10 Kilometers over Mbang, the Capital District Geureudong Pase.

After a break of about 10 minutes, we went riding down the hill trace the path of a dirt floor until he found Krueng SUAK are also knee-deep water. Our brown-bag lunch that had been purchased in Keude Mbang. Most members of the group quench your thirst by drinking the river water was relatively clear.

After crossing the Krueng SUAK, we are dealing with increasingly difficult terrain. Therefore, it should be up and down the steep range of hills with a height of 70 to 150 meters. Muddy road conditions due to rain the day before, compounded with holes forming grooves of the tire tread of used tractor towing jonder timber.

That is why, up and down hills took almost half an hour per hill. Some motorcycle fall up to climb a slippery road, and even forced driven hard. The atmosphere in the quiet street was deserted, the occasional bird chirp sound entertaining.

Our trip finally reached Bukit Tualang. Bukit Tualang called because on that ridge there wanderer large trees and reaching to the sky.

After removing the shade under a tree weary wanderer, we proceeded to walk up and down the hill to find a groove in which the water just below the knee.

Air Krueng Keureutoe meandering among giant boulders. We then walk on the wood stretching to the side of the river.

First seem high waterfall about one meter. The water snaking tree roots spread between irregular. Getting to the top of the waterfall was higher as well, stratified, to a peak of about eight meters. The water is clear and foamy white as cotton.

Nature nan cool in the waterfall housed within the shade trees of very exotic. "It has many waterfalls in Aceh places I've visited, but this is the most amazingly beautiful."

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