The Toothsome Chocolate Emporium & Savory Feast Kitchen Review: Part 2 - Candy Smith Emporium Store and Milkshake Bar

In case you haven't heard about it, it's 19th-century Steampunk meets Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory, a chocoholic's wonderland called "The Toothsome Chocolate Emporium & Savory Feast Kitchen" at Universal Studios Orlando.

Last week I posted the first part of my review of this deliciously themed restaurant, with a spotlight on the restaurant and food. This week I will conclude with a peek into the front-end shops inside it. You're challenge should you choose to accept... walk around inside this place for 10 minutes and try not to buy something. Good Luck!


Part 2: The Candy Smith Emporium Store and Milkshake Bar

Just like the restaurant itself, the Candy Smith Emporium Store is fully themed with Steampunk gears and gizmos, display mannequins playing the part, and store attendants dressed in character from head to toe. Even in the hustle and crowds, never once did I hear any of the staff throw out a negative or disrespectful tone to any of the guests - even those nagging over the wait time. It WAS the 4th of July weekend, crowds were to be expected.

Steampunk theme and styling through the store.

The display cases wrap around on the right side of the lobby area and featured row after row of chocolate treats, desserts, and pastries. Macaroons lined the first display in a rainbow of 16 different colors and flavors. Theme park priced, of course, at $20 for a box of six.

As I started to take a few pictures through the glass, the girl behind the counter said to me in a 'Western Frontier' voice, "No, no, no, If you take a picture of my macaroons, you will have to buy a box".

I replied, "Just one box"?

She gave a little smile back.

CLICK! I bought a box.

Our selection: Strawberry Cream, German Chocolate, Apple Pie, Peanut Butter, Hazelnut, Cookies and Creme.

Just next to the macaroons were the chocolates, and our son was all over that one. I don't remember which ones he chose, because he refused to share them with me. I was only able to sneak a bite of the peanut butter filled one - my weakness.

Chocolate, soooooo much chocolate.

As you walk around the store there were endless displays and shelves of themed chocolates, candies and souvenirs. So much of it looked too good to eat.

Display shelves of chocolate bars and potion-themed candies.

Pocket watch themed chocolates with incredible detailing.

Chocolate Art Sculptures.

On the other side is the Milkshake Bar. By this time we were stuffed from dinner, dessert, and trying chocolates from the store and did not have room for milkshakes. We did however, swing by the next evening and grabbed a few to go on our way back to the resort.

The milkshakes are delicious, but very heavy and filling. Halfway through we started to question if we should have shared a few instead of each getting our own, but you keep drinking anyway because it's that good. We will "walk it off" tomorrow, right?

There was a line, about 15 minutes to finally get to the counter, but it was well worth it.

Milkshake Bar Counter and Display Menus

Milkshake Menu, One of Each Please!

Works of Art, and you keep the logo souvenir jar.

Sacs of Raw Cocoa Beans on display.

All-in-all, this is a very unique restaurant serving up a very unique experience. If you plan to be at Universal Studios Orlando in the near future, I highly recommend you swing by The Toothsome Chocolate Emporium & Savory Feast Kitchen, you won't be disappointed.

If you missed Part 1 : Restaurant and Food

You can find it by Clicking Here!

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