Visiting the 4H County Fair Southern Tier New York

It is always wonderful to get away to the country to see family and friends. We took a quick trip to the southern tier in western, New York to watch my cousins at the local 4h county fair. They were here to compete with the steers they had raised. Below are a few pictures taken during our short stay in the country.

This is a beautiful Brown Swiss cow that was competing in the 4h show. Isn't she a beauty?

This steer was so sweet and loved having the underneath of his chin rubbed.

My first cousin is helping to get his daughters cow washed up before she enters him into the ring.

The cow enters into the auction ring to be viewed and bid on. The highest bidder gets to take the cow home.

Here is a distant view of a friend of the families dairy farm. It is a huge, working dairy farm with a lot of acres of corn to feed the livestock as you can see.

What would a visit to the country be without taking a photo of the hen and her chicks.... too cute!

The last photo is a view from my cousins farm overlooking the adjacent Amish farm. I love taking a walk up in the cornfield behind his home. This was a quick trip to visit family and enjoy a couple days in the country. Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you enjoyed seeing a little bit of my visit.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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