Closed For Vacation! A Surfer Girl's Taking Off To The Next Adventure ✈

"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans." - John Lennon

True story, John. Busy making plans and busy posting plans.

'Picture or it doesn't happen' is the message in our today's world. Sometimes it feels as if experiences only achieve true value when they are instantly shared with others.

Do we travel to live the moment for ourselves or to fill our blogs with new content that's going to impress others?

Closed For #Vacation - The Recovery Project

In about 24 hours I'll board an airplane that'll take me to a destination I've dreamt of for years.

I'm totally convinced that my own emotions will overwhelm me there. My head is full of curiosity and excitement.

That trip will definitely broaden and blow my mind, and therefore I'm definitely not going to be online in the meantime.

I want to have both hands and my mind free - and simply focus the beautiful HERE AND NOW. 

It'll be an interesting experience since I've been posting and publishing and writing and blogging during the past 9 months without a break.

However, creative minds need to recharge their inspirational sources from time to time. 

My brain's feeling a bit exhausted lately. I've pushed all my power and energy and ideas into this network. Now I need some recovery time. 

I allow myself the luxury of not being connected :-)

Nowadays we tend to treat life as a constant status update. Sometimes we're more concerned with how our lives look like than how they actually feel.

That's why we should unplug ourselves from time to time - and breath.

The upcoming days and nights deserve my full attention; it'll be a crazy mix of pure pleasure, adventure, excitement, fun, discovery, urban life, nature, party, relax - and friendship.

I'll be back with new and fresh stories in a while - promised! 💚

Big hugs & kisses,
Marly -

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