Travel with me #51 : A view from the skies of one of London's oldest and sacred parks - Hampstead Heath

Dear Steemit Friends:


After staying in London's urban district for a while, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and even fatigued from the fast moving and busy city life. Today, i'll be taking everyone to a lesser known park situated just at the border of Zone 2. It isn't as famous as Royal Parks such as Hyde Park or Regents Park but it definitely has it's own very unique appeal. One of the oldest commons in London, it is also one of the largest.


This is one of London's best protected areas and is considered to many creators, a sanctuary where they can draw upon the natural environment for inspiration in their work. It is also has quite a significant history owing to how long the park has been around. Many have praised this area and it's park for it's humanistic spirit and magnificent scenery.


The area is well preserved and retains much of it's historical feel, as such, it is home to to many intellectuals, whether they are artists, or literary writers. The area also has some of the most expensive real estate in all of London and is home to more millionaires than almost any other district. Another good thing is that prior to my visit, I checked online to see if I could fly my drone here, and it turns out it is one of the few parks left in London that I can! So, today I took my drone for fly in an attempt to capture the beautiful views of this area from up in the sky!


Hampstead heath is actually composed of sand and clay. At it's highest point, it is 440ft above sea level and gives some magnificent views of the city. When I walked into the park, I saw many avid photographers with their tripods taking pictures of the landscape. Because of our elevated position, in the distance we can see London (and Europe's) tallest building - The Shard as well as the other skyscrapers surrounding it.




Next up, I invite everyone to enjoy my drone video of Hampstead Heath. From the viewpoint of the drone, Hampstead Heath really differs from a park like Hyde Park, it feels a lot more like a mini-forest with so many trees around. The grassland is not regularly trimmed so it feels very natural and even more like I'm in the country side on the edge of a forest. In my flight, I was able to use one of it's neat features called ****Active Track*** which can make the drone automatically circle around me whilst I walk, it's quite a cool effect that normally would take some skill to pull off manually. Of course, I'm still very new to flying my drone so there are some funny outtakes at the end. I hope everybody enjoys the video as much as I did making it, and i'll be making more drone videos real soon to share with everybody!

这里以知识分子、艺术家和文学家的居住区著称,据说这里有伦敦地区一些最昂贵的住宅,这里百万富翁的数目超过英国其他任何地方。幸运的是,我在网上查到,这个公园是目前伦敦市区为数不多的还可以飞无人机的地方,所以今天我们就在这个公园起飞吧。汉普斯特德荒野是一个处于伦敦粘土带上沙丘,东西走向,而这个沙丘是伦敦的最高点,最高点海拔134米(440英尺)。所以是汉普斯特德荒野也是伦敦著名的自然景观之一,我们走进公园,就看到许多摄影爱好者立着三角架,在这里摄影。我的前面就是高高的沙丘了。因为地势很高,远远的可以看见欧洲最高的建筑——The shard,还有一系列伦敦很高的建筑。

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