Crossing the Mexican Border and Driving to Mexico With a Dog (Video)

Driving to Mexico and crossing the border with a dog.png

We were almost to the border when we started contemplating what type of Mexican car insurance we should get. In all the chaos of the weeks leading up to the drive to Mexico, we weren't able to get any. It seemed tempting to buy it for a few days (until we had more time to research what levels of insurance we wanted), but after a call to Geico's partner company, we learned that a year’s worth of premium insurance (the highest level you can buy) was about $430. It would’ve cost $60 for just 3 days.

If you’re ever driving your car in Mexico, you need Mexican car insurance. You can literally end up in prison if you get into a bad accident without it.

Once we got that taken care of, it was soon time for the biggest milestone yet...

Crossing The Mexican Border: Passports, Pet Paperwork, and Permits

What we heard about crossing the border into Mexico was that most cars get the green light to go. If you get the green light, you just keep on driving. The occasional car will get a red light, and if you’re one of those unlucky ones, you may have to answer a few more questions and get a couple bags searched before they’ll let you pass.

See what happened when we crossed the border with our dog, Laska, in our latest video below.

Up next on our Tangerine Travels: Trouble at the border, getting gas in Puerto Peñasco, and driving in Mexico!

If you enjoyed this video, follow us @TangerineTravels for more.

@sharingeverybite (Maddie)
@shenanigator (Jordan)
(and Laska the Siberian Husky)

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