Travel with Tara : Salt Creek Falls in Eugene, Oregon!

After our long journey in Oregon, we still had a few hours left till we had to head back home. We were in Eugene,Oregon and we checked into a visitor's center there. The person in charge gave us a huge map of the area and we made our way to visit one waterfall in particular, The Salt Creek Falls. It is said to be the second highest single plunge waterfall in Oregon, Multnomah Falls being the first highest. The Falls is easily accessible through the highway.

Here's a picture.


Salt Creek Falls, Oregon

There's a gravel loop trail which is only a short hike to the waterfalls. We followed the trail to some extent after which there was a small landslide due to which the path caved in. We had to walk on loose soil. I fell several times, I'm sure that was funny.


With some difficulty we reached a hard surface and mounted the camera and took some shots of the majestic waterfall. No one was around, it was just us and the beautiful nature around us.

Here's a picture of Me!


My sister took that picture of me. I was so exhausted from slipping and falling down so many times! I had to take a break.


The entire trail was so colorful! The hike to the falls was so unrealistic! I can't even describe how beautiful it was! The Fall colors are simply breathtaking. We reached late in the noon, so it was perfect to shoot some pictures. The sun didn't wash out the lovely colors of the foliage.


After enjoying the quiet and serenity of the falls, we headed back to our hotel in Oregon. While driving back, we came across this lovely sight. I don't remember the name of the place but it was nice to watch the sunset there.


Although that pic looks lovely, there was a cluster of giant mosquitoes when we stepped out to take some pics. They hovered above us, ready for attack while we took pics.It was scary! Took a couple of pics and ran back and shut the car door and sped off to the hotel.

Either way, it was such a wonderful trip, so much color everywhere! I love Oregon!
Thank you for reading! Follow for more travel pics!! Steem on!

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