Established in 1927, the Zoo is home to more than 900 animals from around the world. Many of these animals have been part of successful conservation plans and captive breeding programs.
Photo by @tastetwist - Awwwwwww, makes me want to rub the gorilla's belly.
Photo by @tastetwist - So deep in thought.
Photo by @tastetwist - Looking out, most likely hating the fact he has to live at a zoo.
Photo by @tastetwist - walking on all fours.
Photo by @tastetwist - sleeping beauty.
Photo by @tastetwist - Hear no EVIL.
Gorilla photos by @tastetwist
I took all these photos when I went to the BioParkZoo in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I think they are awesome photographs. I spent hours waiting for the gorillas to strike a pose. Photos are color corrected from photoshop and taken using a Canon Rebel.