Europe's First Beer Fountain!




Are you a beer lover? Can you imagine a fountain where you can get beer? Does it sound crazy? well, it is possible in Slovenia, one of the smallest and cutest countries in Europe. Slovenia is a country which gets more and more attention every year. Last year, Europe's first beer fountain was opened in Zalec, which is a small town in the country. The town is famous for its brewin history and traditions. This area is an important brewing industrial part of the country. To get more attention to this region, municipality decided to open the first beer fountain in Europe and I think, it is a really cool idea.



Beer Fountain

The bad news about this amazing beer fountain is that it is not for free. If we got beer for free, Slovenia would be a real heaven for beer lovers. Visitors need to pay 6 euros to get beer. The beer fountain is placed in the center of the city, near market place. There is a store which is really close to fountain. You can go there and buy a tradional glass before choosing your beer from one of 6 beer providers. All providers have got different beer which are traditional in the region. Slovenia is in need of tourists. Tourism is an imporant key factor to help the country grow up fast, so this beer fountain can be a good way to welcome travellers in this small town.



As I told you before, I lived in this amazing country for a year. Slovenia offers you lots of great things to do. Beer fountain is just one of them. If you want to know more about this country, you are welcome to check my other posts or drop a comment below this post so we can talk about the country. Thanks for reading!


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