"Travel Souvenir" Contest: Show Me Your Favorite Souvenir and Earn 10 SBD's in Rewards

Hello my fellow steemians,

Here I am with a second Wacky Contest. I will admit that it took me way more time than I originally thought, but I wanted to come up with a different and COOL idea, so here I am :)

I've noticed that many steemians love to travel and post photos of their vacations. So, I was thinking to myself,

"Hey, if they love traveling, taking photos and devouring delicious local dishes, they probably love buying souvenirs as well." 

After all, other than taking photos, a characteristic souvenir from a certain country, city or island, will always bring back good memories, no? 

Without further ado, here are the RULES:

In order to be a qualified entrant in this contest you have to take the following very simple steps:

1. Post one photo of your favorite souvenir in the comment section of this post. 

2. Give me a few information about it. Where? When? Why it is special to you? If you have a detailed background story to write about it, feel MORE THAN WELCOME to do so. After all, I am a writer myself. I may reward a "catchy story" instead of an impressive souvenir for all I know ;-)

Important Note 

I will pick the TWO WINNERS THAT WILL SHARE 10 SBD's (5 EACH), based on the quality of the background story and the uniqueness of the souvenir. So, asking your friends voting for you in this contest is pointless really. 

To get a clear idea of what I am asking, this would be my "involvement" to such contest:

I didn't even have to buy the specific souvenir, but instead I got it for free; well, if RUNNING YOUR ARSE OFF for 10 miles (16.5 km) is considered free. 

I had a dream come true this past November  – a dream I had as  a child after watching the first Rocky film – when during the "Rocky Run," I ran in the same Streets of Philadelphia Rocky&Bruce did!!! 

Now, show me YOUR souvenirs and share your stories with me :))))

Last but not least, you don't have to upvote and reestem this contest, but if you did, it would be much appreciated!!!


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