Traveling the World #107 (Asia Series) - A Fun Day Out at Disney Sea @ Tokyo, Japan (Part 2)

Hi Steemians,

Let's continue our day out to Disney Sea @ Tokyo, Japan. After taking a photo with Mickey Mouse yesterday, we continued on to visit the rest of the park.

The first thing we noticed was the number of people visiting on a weekday! Check it below! It's seriously packed with people. Imagine what you will face if you visit during the weekend.


We started checking out the stores and found some cool things to buy. I was also busy snapping away on my phone and taking videos of things I see. The view here was actually really nice!


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There were also many minibusses around as well as a monorail which we decided not to get on because we had a stroller.


As our kids were quite young, we can’t go on many rides but we did find something that was suitable for Baby E and he was really interested. As we were heading towards the rides, we saw the cutest Find Nemo popcorn “bag” - we just had to get it. And you might have guessed which ride we were heading towards - The Nemo Ride!

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The line to Nemo was super long and it was estimated to take 45mins before we can go in but we still lined up for it. Baby M was too young for the ride so Daddy E pushed him around to other parts of the park. The ride was only 5 minutes long but it was really exciting and I wouldn’t mind going on it again but the line was too long to queue for it.

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Just right outside of the Nemo ride, you can find a restaurant just above and the Nemo souvenir store.



Tomorrow, I'll take you to have lunch at one of the Disney themed restaurants.

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大家好,今日會繼續帶大家到日本迪士尼海洋玩一天.同米奇老鼠拍完照之後,我們就繼續探索整個樂園.首先要看看他們商店有什麼好東西買然後當然要拍一些照片留念.整個公園有不同巴士和單軌火車讓參觀人士可以到不同地點。因為我們小朋友比較細的關係,我們就不會坐這些交通工具.首先我們想玩一些遊戲,最想就是玩 Finding Nemo 的遊戲. 去玩遊戲之前就見一個很漂亮的爆米花桶。我們就想一定要買回家.之後就排隊玩 Finding Nemo.工作人員告訴 BB M 比較細所以他不可以玩所以就決定我跟 BB E 一齊去玩而爸爸 E 就帶 BB M 周圍參觀. 人龍比較長需要差不多45分鐘才可以玩這個遊戲. 明天就帶你們看看我們吃什麼午餐.


animation by @catwomanteresa

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Thanks for reading. If you like my post, please follow, comment and upvote me. There will be more exciting posts & destinations to come.

謝謝你們收看。 請你們繼續跟隨,留言和投我一票 . 我會分享更多遊記和其他有趣的 blog.

All photos & videos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted. 每張相片和視頻都是我們自己拍的

Below are some of my previous posts:

Introducing Fundition Magtivities with Travelgirl

Traveling the World #107 (Asia Series) - A Fun Day Out at Disney Sea @ Tokyo, Japan

Stunning Views at Radisson Blu @ Fiji

Food Sharing #42 - ChaFing Dish @ Sunshine City, Ikebukuro, Japan

What do you normally have for breakfast?

Massage at Harmony Retreat @ Fiji

Travelgirl Trying Noni Juice @ Fiji

Food Sharing #41 - Yass Korean Restaurant @ Chatswood, Australia

Plastic Bag Ban in Australia

Delicious Crab Meal @ Wyndham Resort, Fiji

Food Sharing #40 - - Obon de Gohan (おぼん de ごはん - Lumine Branch) @ Ikebukuro, Japan

Travelgirl's Diary [18] - Travelgirl 的日記 [18]

Touring Denarau Island on the Bula Bus @ Fiji

Traveling the World #106 (Asia Series) - Asobono Play Center @ Tokyo, Japan (Part 2)

Traveling the World #106 (Asia Series) - Asobono Play Center @ Tokyo, Japan (Part 1)

[Steemit Exclusive Interview] Travelgirl Interviews Bonnie Piesse - Hollywood Actress, Singer & Songwriter

Lets Visit The Sydney Aquarium @ Sydney, Australia

Traveling the World #105 (Asia Series) - Korakuen & Surroundings @ Japan

Food Sharing #39 - Meigetsuanginzatanakaya (明月庵 ぎんざ田中屋) @ Tokyo, Japan @ Japan

Traveling the World #104 (Asia Series) - Japan Air Self-Defense Force @ Hamamatsu, Japan (Part 2)

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