Traveling the World #25 (Europe Series) Royal Observatory @ Greenwich, England 🇬🇧- | 向世界出發 #25 (歐洲系列) 格林尼治皇家天文台 @ 格林威治, 英國🇬🇧

Hi Steemians,

Today I'll be taking you to a place where you can explore time and space - The Royal Observatory at Greenwich in England. It is also a place you can stand on the Meridian line - the home of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

今天我會帶你們到格林威治皇家天文台. 你可以在這裡站在格林尼治子午線上。這裡也是格林尼治標準時間的發源地

There are a few ways to get to Greenwich from London city and we decided to take the more exciting way to our destination - by ferry. When we arrived, we saw the National Maritime Museum and walked towards the Royal Observatory. I will share our visit to the National Maritime Museum at a later date.


If you are into science, this place is the perfect place for you.


This is the Meridian Line. I found Sydney!

這個是格林尼治子午線. 你們看,我找到悉尼!

We are standing on the line where east meets west. Pretty cool!


The time ball on top of the Octagon Room.


The Peter Harrison Planetarium - very interesting

彼得 哈里遜天象館, 挺有趣的

The Shepherd Gate Clock can be found at the gate of the observatory. It uses the 24 hour analog dial. Below the clock you can see there is the standard lengths measurements.

這個是 The Shepherd Gate 鐘. 它是在天文臺大門出面24小時制電子大鐘還顯示格連尼治標準時間的. 鐘以下是標準長度測量。

If you like science or any astronomy related topics, you need to visit this place when you are in London. Someone like me who isn't really into these topics was still fascinated by what I saw on the day.

如果你喜歡天文地理你一定要來這裡參觀. 如果像我一樣不是很喜歡天文地理的話,你都會覺得這裡很有趣的

Thanks for reading. If you like my post, please follow, comment and upvote me. There will be more exciting posts & destinations to come.

謝謝你們收看。 請你們繼續跟隨,留言和投我一票 👍. 我會分享更多遊記和其他有趣的 blog.

All photos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories. 每張相片都是我們自己拍的 📷

Below are some of my previous posts which you may be interested in:
以下是我過往寫過的博客,請支持一下 💁🏻

Taronga Zoo @ Sydney

Luna Park @ Sydney

Food Sharing - Sushi-ya@ Artarmon, Sydney

Bath @ England

Isle of Wight @ England

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