A Food Lover's Guide to La Paz Mexico!

Hello Steemians! Call me a food lover as I always have food on my mind and the first thought of the day is probably food! Whenever I travel somewhere I make sure to dedicate time visiting the most popular places in town and try a variety of food from the region. This is probably one of the things I enjoy the most about traveling besides learning about the culture, art and seeing the wonders of every place I visit.  I love to talk about food and taking pictures of the food to then share it with others. I feel that good things are meant to be shared with others. During my visit to La Paz, Mexico I was able to try a few restaurants and dishes I would like to share with you today.

La Paz is well-known for seafood. The food from La Paz consists mainly of seafood because it is a port and fishing is a big thing in La Paz, but you can also find the typical traditional Mexican dishes. Some of the dishes include stuffed clams, grilled fish fillet with grilled shrimp and bacon, fish and shrimp tacos and believe it or not hot dog are a huge hit in La Paz. Hot dogs are called “hates” as this is how the locals tried to translate the word hot dog. After a late night out the locals will go to a hot dog stand for these “hates”. It reminds me a lot of Downtown LA, where this is also very popular.

I love seafood so La Paz is a perfect destination for me! One of the first things I do as soon as I get out of the airport is ask the taxi driver for recommendations of the best places to eat. I believe that the taxi drivers always know about the best places for food as they know the area more than anyone else. Sometimes I am surprised that the best place to eat may not even be a fancy restaurant but a small stand where only the locals eat as they are the ones that know about it. This is why besides looking at my trusted Yelp and Trip Advisor I always check with the taxi drivers where ever I am visiting.

El Toro Güero

 One of the places that was recommended to me is El Toro Guero. This is a restaurant located on the main Blvd. with a palapa style beach décor.  The restaurant is very big and remains busy throughout the day. They offer mainly sea food dishes, but also offer a few traditional dishes as well such as tacos, meats with rice and beans and quesadillas. One of the thing is liked about this restaurant is that is very lively. There are bands, singers, folkloric dancers that come and perform during the restaurant hours. So if you like to see a show as you are enjoying your meal this is a good place to visit. The dishes selected for my visit to this restaurant were camarones a la cucaracha, which sound horrible as it translates to cockroach style shrimps, but they are delicious. They are so full of flavor due to all the spices that are added to the broth that comes with these shrimp. We also tried a shrimp broth soup, which is given to everyone as it comes with every dish and this is so delicious. Since the shrimp tacos are so popular here I decided to grab an order of those as well. These are served with rice and potato salad. I really enjoyed these tacos as well. For drinks we went with the traditional chelada beer and piña colada. One of my favorite things is dessert. For desert I chose a tequila coffee ice cream. I love coffee and love ice cream just as much and with this addition of the tequila it was simply a fantastic way to end the meal. The best thing is that after 2 main entrees, 2 shrimp broth soups, 2 desserts and 2 alcoholic beverages we ended paying ONLY $22 dollars. I thought this was amazing and just made me happy to go and explore other restaurants!

 El Rancho Viejo

I am from Mexico so whenever I get the chance to visit Mexico I do like to have some of the traditional dishes. For traditional dishes a great recommendation is Rancho Viejo. This restaurant is well-known for meats and is open 24 hours a day. This is a spot that will be quite busy after a late night out when people are looking for some tacos. Here I tried the queso fundido with chorizo to start. This is a cheese fondue with chorizo, which was amazing! Another thing I had was the al pastor tacos, which were really good. I love marinated pork so always order al pastor tacos wherever I go! To do as the locals do we decided to get some shrimp tacos here as well and they were pretty good too.  I can honestly say I had the best margaritas at this place! We ordered 2 traditional margaritas and asked for some added cucumber and jalapeño to makes them spicy and they were fantastic! I love the new tequila 7 lenguas to go with it! Highly recommended! One of the best things about this restaurant is that  table gets a tray with different salsas, guacamole and chips. This was a great addition to our dishes! Overall it was very good and the check was only $34 dollars. 


During our tour to the island Espiritu Santo we  were able to try some ceviche, which I love. Since there are no restaurants in this island, the tour guides came prepared with food and provided us with some ceviche, which just made the tour so worth it and we had a very enjoyable time at the beach! 

I love food so much that even before catching the plane to go home I try to grab a last bite of the local food. This time I was running late, but decided to grab some local food at the airport of La Paz. It's not every day I get to eat this so I like to take advantage of it! From here the dishes we tried were good although not as good as in the centwe of La Paz. We tried the green enchiladas, nachos with steak and chilaquiles with short rib. This was my last nite before coming home. 

Overall, I had a good food experience and from mend these restaurants mentioned here. Hope you enjoyed this post! 

Till next time! 

Follow me @travelista

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