Us2tm #1 Enjoy life first!

US 2 Travel Moments - #1 Enjoy life first

My girlfriend and me finished school last year, She's a medical beautician and I got my bachelors degree in Communication & Multimedia Design.

We didn’t want to start life after school the usual way with a house, car & dog but we wanted to really enjoy life first! So we worked for almost a year at our student jobs to saving money to go on a world trip!!

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The plan was to go traveling thru Asia and get a working holiday visa for Australia and work there for 6 months.

So we bought some backpacks and gear and went looking for what the world had to offer. April 2017 was the month we quit our jobs, sold our cars and stuff we didn’t need and just went for it!

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The initial plan was to fly to a country in Asia and end up in Australia or New Zealand. Sins we had no final date that we wanted to be back, we come up with the idea to take the train to Asia!

The 18th of April we took the plane from Amsterdam to Moscow with a short stopover in Riga and started our adventure with the Trans Mongolian express.


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