Building a Steemit Retreat in Bulgaria? A wild but doable idea. What do you think?


I woke up with a great idea today, although it's just a simple idea I thought about sharing it with the fellow steem heads and community to see what you guys think about it.

Crypto Earnings


To be honest, I haven't thought on what to do with any earnings other than investing. But on a long run, sooner or later these investments will yield some profit. As of now, all of my rewards are going in the following order.

50/50 split. And another 50 split added by myself. This means.

50% goes into SP by default. 50% goes to SBD. That SBD 50% I power up, the other 50 goes to bitterx into altcoins for hold into other alts.

At the moment I don't even have anything to buy with these coins. So cashing them out doesn't do much for me right now.
I have everything I need to work on what I want, be it writing, filming editing etc.

And then I kinda asked myself, OK well wtf will I do with earnings in the future when I don't need anything right now.

And it came to me.

The first ever steemit retreat ?

What if there was a place where you can go and stay with other creative individuals without paying any living costs other than your personal expenses?

Like being able to go on vacation to a free Hotel, being able to stay as much as you want.

Well, that's one of the ideas that is currently going around in my mind. Although it's just an idea.

At the moment buying a house '1 floor' in Pirin Mountains Bulgaria costs around 5 000 BGN. 1USD= 1.6 BGN.

Or in other words, less than 1 000 Steem at the current price.

I think that would be enough to see where I'm going at.

So the idea is, What if I were to buy such a house, let's say a slightly more expensive 2 'floor' one and turn it into a small freelance Hotel. No fees, no charges. Giving the opportunity to anyone to come visit and enjoy some lovely time in the Bulgarian Mountains?

You would probably say, well what about paying taxes and having a firm.

Yeah, well not rly. It would actually be my house, but open to any visitor. I don't really need to have a firm company or anything to do that. I'd only need that if I were to ask people for money.

The good thing is that people don't even need to spend a fortune to visit.

Flights are extremely cheap to Bulgaria.

London -> Bulgaria - 36Euro
Milano -> Bulgaria - 16Euro
Belgium -> Bulgaria 20Euro

And the list goes on.

So that's my idea, what do you think?

As of the moment, this is just an idea, but I'm certain that it can be turned into a reality with a little time support and effort.

I got motivated by looking at @eco-alex s adventure of building Earthships and @sandbox.

As of till now, this is a concept, but I wanted to see some feedback regarding this. Looking at how things are going I could easily start a project toward this.

Thanks for reading!


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