How's it going Steemers??
Let me continue my African Adventure with our next stop... the Okavango Delta.
From Chobe National Park we drove 600km along dead straight roads until we arrived in Maun.
Once we arrived at our camp site, we set up our tents before it got dark and just in time before the rain began.
We dug out a moat around our tent so when it rained we had river views
In the morning we drove out to the delta where we spent the night in a bush camp.
As we drove through the stick hut villages we finally arrived at the waters edge and our mokoros were waiting for us.
Our mokoro poler was called Mary. She has the mokoros poling skills on lock! We loaded up our mokoro and set off to our camp site.
It took about one and a half hours to get to the camp site, weaving through the reeds and watching the birds fly over head. It was a very relaxing journey.
Our bush camp was so nice, even our tents had an ensuite with a shower and dug out toilet.
Across the river we spotted an elephant with her baby chilling out. I sat there and watched them for an hour or so, it was amazing to see them in the wild.
I spent the afternoon knocking back a couple of beers, trying to pole the mokoro and swimming in the river. Then when it cooled down we went for a bush walk.
It was still very hot as we headed out for our walk.
We came across this tree that they call the upside down tree. It is called this because the branches look like the roots that are supposed to be in the ground but are in the sky instead.
On our walk we saw a tortoise in the grass. We picked him up for a closer inspection. Now you can tell if the tortoise is a boy or girl by looking at their belly. If the belly is flat it is a female but if there is a curve in the belly, like a bowl shape, then it is a male tortoise. I guess the curve is for easier access when it's love making time.
The heat is still full on, even though it was 4pm. None the less we kept walking away from the tortoise then we came across this guy.
Pushing shit up a hill. What a life hey? He digs a hole then finds the shit he likes, pushes it back to the hole so he can bury it and feed off it for a while. The best part is that his missus just hangs onto the shit while he is pushing it. You could just imagine what she would be saying to him "push harder, it's getting dark and we are still 7 meters from the hole" haha
Once we looked up from laughing at the dung bettle we saw a herd of blue wilder beast.
We chilled out and watched them for awhile.
Then all of a sudden 2 impala chasing each other come running out of the bushes straight towards us. They got a fright and ran the other way.
A Zebra walked through the bushes to see if the coast was clear. Then he headed out with the rest of the herd in tow.
They start to make their way to the herd of wilder beasts to join forces for the night.
Now Zebra and wilder beast always stick together as the sun goes down. Wilder beast have great smell and zebra has great eye sight so they stick together to survive the night.
The sun was starting to set as we walked back to our camp site.
Our Lion King re-enactment
After dinner we sat around the camp fire and watch the fire flies along the river, what a great day on the delta.
In the morning we woke to an amazing sunrise!
Then we had breakfast and headed out for another bush walk.
Lots of Zebra and wilder beast where out grazing.
Back at the camp site we packed our belongings and jumped into the mokoro to head back to our camp site in Maun.
On the drive back a herd of male elephants were just chilling on the side of the road.
What an amazing experience that was! I will always remember visiting the Okavango delta 😊
The truck life continues!
Stay tuned for more blogs about my African Adventure 🍺
In the mean time check out my other posts from this adventure 😊
Chobe River Cruise -
Chobe National Park -
Victoria Falls -
Cape Town - @vcclothing/cape-town-south-africa
Singapore - @vcclothing/gardens-by-the-bay-on-christmas-day-singapore
Thanks for stopping by happy travels!