走进中国——岭南乡村文化|Entering China - South of the Five Ridges rural culture#1|月旦评

The cognition of rural culture in south of the Five Ridges, China.we are only limited to the network of photos, which is a photograph obtained through numerous processing. Today, I went into the countryside of South of the Five Ridges, and I felt the culture of South of the Five Ridges and uncovered the mysterious side of it.


The village was a small fishing village 20 years ago. With the development of economy. All around the construction, many of the old houses have been abandoned and young people have moved out. It is more and more difficult for us to see the most real country culture.


Before, every household in the countryside had a courtyard, Poor at home, and we had a small bulb, or a 15 - watt incandescent lamp. It's not very bright, but it's very small, and the electricity is cheaper. In order to save power and money, people will work in the yard, for example: eat in the courtyard, watch a newspaper in the courtyard,Look in the mirror in the courtyard......People will chat in the yard after they have finished their work, intercourse.

在以前,农村每户人家都有庭院,家里穷没有电灯,我们就装一个小灯泡,或者15瓦的白炽灯。虽然不是很亮,但好在瓦数小,电费比较便宜。为了省下电费钱,人们一般会在庭院里做事,例如:在庭院里吃饭,在庭院里看报,在庭院里照镜子... ...人们干完农活也会在庭院一起聊天,也经常喜欢串门。

In order to pick up light, people will also install skylights on the roof, and this design is also widely used in modern design.


Because of the rich rain in the South, the roof of the countryside will be built into a triangle to facilitate the flow of rain and prevent the water from being accumulated.


Thank you for watching!


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