Surfing Beach in South India - Sasihithlu Beach

We had been on a short drive today morning to Sasihithlu beach. 

It is situated in Mangalore, Karnataka, India. 

It is one of the most isolated and peaceful beaches in Mangalore.

This is the beach where two rivers meet the sea.

It is one of the few beaches in India where you can surf!

The 2nd Indian Open of Surfing took place two months ago at Sasihithlu Beach.

@firepower has written a detailed write up about the festival. 

I had been to the event two months ago and that's where I met @bikergirl, a very humble person for someone who has achieved a lot in motorcycling. 

You can read her version of the story here.

I just want to show you all how peaceful this beach is when there's no festivals going on.

There's a gate for entrance to the beach. This is a first timer for me.

I have never seen beaches having gates for entering!

As we enter, we are welcomed by a road surrounded by trees on either side.

The entry to the beach itself is a beauty!

However, there are also some bad things happening. 

People in India have this bad habit of littering the places. 

Look how a small thing such as a plastic bottle can ruin the whole beauty of the beach.

I know, it's sad. :/

When there are bad things, there should always be something good to balance everything, right? 

Some volunteers from our city always do the good work of cleaning up places such as this without publicizing much about it. Hats off to them! 

Those people should be given awards.

The tides bring all the things floating in the sea to the shore along with them.

I tried my hand at capturing a 360 Degree panorama of the beach!

I've cut it into four parts:





If we walk a little towards the inside, this is how it looks like.

There are benches to sit and chill.

Since it's been raining quite heavily, the access to the water is not allowed for the time being.

However, the person in charge was kind enough to take us to the water side.

Lots and lots of sea shells, conches and other coral particles are being brought to the shore by the tides. 

We collected a few beautiful ones.

Aren't they beautiful?

We were just about to leave after collecting them when it started pouring cats and dogs.

We were lucky it rained because we stood under a shelter where they had kept the octopus that they had caught! 

It was one crazy day!

Hope you enjoyed reading it. 

Cheers! :D

Follow me @wandereronwheels for more of my travel posts! Have a pleasant day! :)

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