There are many spots to explore on Orchid Island: Sky Lake(Datianchi) on top of the mountain, Ivalino hot spring under the ocean, and Green Green Grassland. I suggest visiting them all.
Green Green Grassland is at the southern tip of the island, next to a steep cliff. The view of ocean wave splashing on the cliff is breath taking, I couldn't stop staring. The power, the sound, the color, you know immediately that is one hell of a dangerous area.
The grassland, in contrast, is very quiet and peaceful. It's lightly sloped, with curious wild goats casually looking at me, the intruder. Taking it all in: the sky, the ocean, the hill, and the wind, you wish the time can actually stop, because deep inside, you know you might not visit this beautiful yet isolated island again.
往後幾步,遠離張牙舞爪的海浪,青青草原又回復平靜.遠處有幾隻野生的山羊正吃著草,對於我這個不速之客沒有太大的興趣.我牽起我的腳踏車往下一個景點前進.當下的我並不知道, 別時容易見時難, 這次離開這可愛的小島,下次再見面的時候是什麼時候?
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