My drive to New Orleans

I drive cars cross country for some of my horse training friends from the different horse racing tracks. I had this one car planned for two months.I was driving this 2014 Infinity QX56. It was a nice sport utility vehicle that has a lot acceleration. Acceleration as in I looked at speedometer and I was doing over speed limit faster then it seemed. in the 70 mph zones I kept it running about 80 miles per hour.

It's been freezing cold temperatures were I was at in Kentucky and I was waiting to go down south mainly for there warm weather even if just for a few hours. It was going to warm up in the 60's in Louisville for the one and only day that I already planned this drive. But it was going to rain all day. Which it did, It rained with a few storms my whole trip. I got all the way down to Birmingham, Alabama and just thought about checking on weather for the rest of the drive.I seen it was going to rain rest of way down to New Orleans. So I figured I'll pull off at a rest area and get some rest. And I thought rain maybe over when I decided to finish my trip. It was warm In Birmingham at about 78 degrees and windy with rain I guess the whole night I slept for a few hours. I woke up a few hours later, cause sleeping in the S.U.V  I was driving was uncomfortable to sleep in. It was still dark as I headed on early in the morning hours. 

Later that morning I stopped for gas and it was cold and windy. I was thinking It's awful dang cold for being that close to Louisiana and I thought maybe since it was still early morning hours that it would pass over and be warm when the sun came out. But sun never did come out as I continued my drive. I got all the way to New Orleans and It happen that a cold front has come threw over night that I was unaware of with all the rain. I got to New Orleans and it was cold at 42 degrees. That's freezing to them people. I delivered the car to my customer's and they sent me in a cab to the airport. I was like, I drove all the way south for warm weather, But rain brung a cold front with it and ruined my weekend get away. Then I get to airport and wait about 3 hours cause My flight has been delayed coming out of Atlanta where they said the airport had some freeze advisories going on. Plane finally showed up a hour and a half later then planned and the delay caused me to miss my other connecting flight in Charlotte. I had to get another plane in Charlotte, North Carolina. That took another two hours. And I finally made it back home to 20 degrees in Kentucky.

My search for warm weather when I should have just stayed home. But if it was not for keeping my long time customer's happy. That's what keeps me going.

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